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Questions tagged [netherlands]

Use this tag for questions about claims relating to the kingdom of the Netherlands.

24 votes
2 answers

Did hundreds of birds die in a park the Netherlands? What caused it?

About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it seems keeping it quiet was the plan all along. However, ...
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29 votes
1 answer

Are 50% to 90% of prostitutes in the Netherlands sex slaves?

In Does Legalizing Prostitution Work?, the author says that even after prostitution is legal, a lot of women are still forced into prostitution. These women are Amsterdam's leading tourist ...
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13 votes
1 answer

Is a proposal to build an artificial mountain being seriously considered?

Thijs Zonneveld, a former cyclist, made a joke that a 2,000m high artificial mountain should be created in the Netherlands. Now, the mass media are reporting that it is being seriously considered: ...
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