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Questions tagged [iraq]

for questions about claims based in Iraq, or limited in Iraq.

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When did Saddam Hussein kill 12,000 people in one day through the use of chemical weapons?

In 2023Mar, 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq led by the US & the UK and the 1st anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the AFP News Agency posted an interview with former UK ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What is the correct version of Iraq's prime minister Nuri al-Said's quote?

Benny Morris claims: Already before the war, Iraq’s prime minister had warned British diplomats that if the United Nations decided on a solution to the Palestine problem that was not “satisfactory” ...
Ona's user avatar
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Is there a PyCon Python Conference held in Iraq?

In a talk given at the Dutch Embassy in San Franciso, Guido van Rossum, the creator of the Python programming language, claimed that a PyCon is held in Iraq: The Python user community is formed of ...
Aurora's user avatar
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Is Iraq buying JF-17 Block-3 aircraft from Pakistan/China?

Is Iraq buying JF-17 aircraft? Iraq orders 12 JF-17 fighter jets from Pakistan In recent developments, Iraq has decided to purchase 12 JF-17 Thunder Block III fighter jets from Pakistan. According ...
user366312's user avatar
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Did 30 U.S. Marines die in a helicopter crash between January 24th and January 27th, 2020?

Social media and some news websites are reporting that there was a helicopter crash in Iraq that killed 30 U.S. Marines over the weekend of 24-27 January 2020. From Google, found when googling "...
DenisS's user avatar
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Does this image show General Soleimani with American troops?

VeteransToday (amongst others) have shown this image, and claimed it shows Iranian General Soleimani who was recently killed by US drones with American Troops: This version of the image is from ...
Keith McClary's user avatar
7 votes
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Did 304 US soldiers kill themselves in 2009 compared to 149 killed in Iraq?

An image posted on reddit this week has been getting a lot of attention. The image is of a mural claiming that in 2009, 304 US soilders committed suicide compared to 149 killed in Iraq. What is the ...
TheJulyPlot's user avatar
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Did Saddam Hussein have a secret torture chamber in New York City?

The NY Post reported this week that Saddam Hussein had a secret torture chamber in New York City between 1979 and 2003. The sources the paper cites are two "anonymous officials". The paper does not ...
Steve Cossack's user avatar
49 votes
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Did Donald Trump express support for the Iraq war?

Donald Trump claimed in the presidential debates (September 26th 2016) that he had always been against the Iraq war. Most others claim he supported it. Is there documentary evidence of him expressing ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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30 votes
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Does this map show every car bomb explosion in Baghdad since 2003?

My friend shared this with me, from The AsiaN: A map of every car bomb explosions[sic] in Baghdad since 2003 Is this for real? Is there any evidence for this? Some other references: BBC: ...
Arun Xavier's user avatar
5 votes
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Did pro-Israel Americans convince the U.S. to initiate the Iraq War?

In 2003, the United States invaded Iraq, which initiated the Iraq War. I've seen several people claim that pro-Israel Americans pushed the US to initiate this war, all referencing a June 2005 article &...
Hates Trolls's user avatar
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Did Saddam Hussein have a Quran written in blood? "The "Blood Qur'an" is a copy of the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an, claimed ...
Jack V.'s user avatar
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24 votes
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Did Iraq have the use of electricity 5000 years ago?

I came across this tweet of which I'm skeptical. So, I ask: Had Iraq use of electricity 5000 years ago?
Carlo Alterego's user avatar
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Did US troops drop aid without parachutes? The site claimed that water and food are ...
user4234's user avatar
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Did ISIS bury women and children alive? [closed]

On the Huffington Post, it is claimed "We have striking evidence obtained from Yazidis fleeing Sinjar and some who escaped death, and also crime scene images that show indisputably that the ...
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21 votes
3 answers

Is ISIS beheading children in Mosul, Iraq?

On the Gateway Pundit, this claim by Chaldean-American businessman Mark Arabo is posted: “There is a park in Mosul, where [ISIS] they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick and ...
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8 votes
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Did US intelligence community ever claim that Iraq had WMDs prior to 2003 inavsion?

The "common knowledge" is that US went to war with Iraq in 2003 based on "intelligence reports" claiming that Iraq had active Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) programs. On the other hand, some ...
vartec's user avatar
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Have one million Christians been persecuted to death or exile in Iraq by jihadis?

On the Breitbart News Network is the claim In a region where Christians predate Muslims by centuries, over one million Christians have been killed or have had to flee because of jihadi persecution, ...
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28 votes
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Did Snowden reveal that ISIS is a USA-Israel tactic?

This reports claims regarding ISIS which evolved since 2003 assuming erstwhile names like ISI,ISIS and now IS: The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed ...
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11 votes
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Did 2.5 million Americans serve in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars from 2001 to 2013?

This article quotes a man who says that it was millions! That sounds way off. Since the U.S. went to war in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, about 2.5 million members of the Army, Navy, ...
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15 votes
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Is the the "civilian casualty ratio" in modern day warfare about 3-4:1?

This site claims that, in modern warfare, about 3 civilians are killed for every combatant killed. This concept can be scientifically proven by understand (sic) the basic concept of “civilian ...
Publius's user avatar
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Did Morocco provide 2,000 monkeys to the American-led effort in the Iraq War?

I've heard in various places - chief among them, Will Ferrell's 'You're Welcome America' - that Morocco contributed monkeys for bomb or land mine detonation in the 2003 Iraq War. Did this deal ...
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