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Questions tagged [barack-obama]

Barack Hussein Obama II (born August 4, 1961) was the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017 and the first African American to hold the office. Obama previously served as a United States senator from Illinois, from January 2005 until he resigned following his election to the presidency in November 2008.

55 votes
2 answers

Did Barack Obama keep 33 million pages of documents, including nuclear weapons documents?

A public statement from former U.S. president Donald Trump claims that former president Barack Obama kept 33 million documents from his presidency, most of them classified and many of which contained ...
jla's user avatar
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Are these claims about the changes in the economy during Obama accurate?

An image was recently posted on politics about how the economy changed under Obama. While that question was not asking about the validity of the claim itself, instead focused on the validity of ...
dsollen's user avatar
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30 votes
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Are these pictures of Osama Bin Laden with Obama, Rice and Hillary Clinton authentic?

I saw a post on Facebook with these pictures: They apparently show Osama Bin Laden with Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Are these authentic pictures of actual meetings?
Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins's user avatar
4 votes
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Is Obama worth 30 times more than when he entered the White House?

This article by Business Insider, from 2019, states that "[the Obamas are] worth 30 times more than when they entered the White House in 2008". Is it true? Is it normal?
Gelu's user avatar
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35 votes
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Did Michelle Obama have a staff of 23 people, while Melania has a staff of 4?

According to this picture (shared over 100k times) Text reads, Obama donated none of his salary, Michelle had a staff of 23 Trump donates all of his salary, Melania has a staff of 4 I'm more ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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47 votes
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Did President Obama state he was close to starting a war with North Korea?

President Trump said this in a press conference on Friday: I believe [President Obama] would have gone to war with North Korea. I think he was ready to go to war. In fact, he told me he was so ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
83 votes
3 answers

Were illegally immigrating children held in cages during the Obama administration?

Were children separated from their parents when they were caught on the Mexican border by US officials as illegal immigrants before Trump's introduction of zero tolerance immigration policy? I wasn't ...
Probably's user avatar
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73 votes
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Did Obama defy precedent by not visiting the D-Day monument?

This seems like a very dubious picture, from a very clearly politically motivated website, but I was wondering if there was any truth to this picture?
Dupontrocks11's user avatar
10 votes
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Did Obama have a policy of "separating [migrant] families"?

Politfact says, While the Obama administration's immigration approach was not without controversy, it’s simply untrue to say he had a policy of separating families. Did any policy though result in ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Did the FBI plant an informant in the Trump campaign during the Obama administration?

Donald Trump has tweeted allegations of the US's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) planting spies in his 2016 presidential campaign: Wow, word seems to be coming out that the Obama FBI “SPIED ...
Mawg's user avatar
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5 votes
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Did Obama use the Espionage act to put reporters in jail?

In this video, David Rubin claims that Obama used the espionage act to have journalists arrested, while Donald Trump has not. There are two claims being made here: Obama used the espionage act to ...
Morgoth's user avatar
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Has Trump's administration been making more human trafficking arrests than the Obama administration?

I come across this image below circulation on the internet. The image is comparing the human trafficking arrests during Trump's and Obama's administrations. Are these figures true?
Grasper's user avatar
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Are these figures about sexual harassment by Trump, O'Reilly, Ailes and Obama correct?

@LegitMillennial claims in a tweet that went viral: I found a graphic I think Fox News might've missed. The image reads: Number of times each have been accused of sexual assault/harassment [...
Sakib Arifin's user avatar
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Does Trump spend $10m/month travelling compared to Obama's $1m/month?

The following graphic has been making the rounds in Reddit and other locations: The graphic cites The Washington Post as its source. Essentially, it is a infographic based on two figures: That ...
dsollen's user avatar
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38 votes
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Are these photos of protests posters against the Obama Administration real?

After "Snoop Dogg" started trending due to his controversial music video, I found the following meme in the Twitter stream: (source: Are these images real or photoshopped? I came ...
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