CS Sequence

What might Computer Science (CS) look like in your school? Please see below for recommended sequence of curricula, tools, and courses.

Course Sequence

Recommendations for K-5/6/8 schools

In elementary grades, CS may be taught by a specialist (Technology, STEM, or related fields) or integrated into other subject areas. ALL students should receive CS instruction during elementary grades; however, it does not need to be year-round, every year. Instruction may be spread out throughout the year (Example: a CS unit may be used as one of the projects in a class, or technology class may be rotated with other specialty classes.)

For middle school grades, it is recommended that ALL students receive at least 1 semester of CS class sometime during grades 6-8 to prepare for more advanced CS in high school.

Recommended Curricula

Recommendations for 7-12 & 9-12 schools

It is recommended that ALL students receive at least two semesters of computer science class sometime in grades 7-10, then have access to advanced CS course in grades 11/12. The introductory course(s) will prepare students for more advanced courses as well as help develop confidence and interest in CS.

Recommended Curricula

* AP Computer Science Principles, Computer Science Principles, and Exploring Computer Science may be substituted for either a laboratory science course or mathematics course for MassCore. Currently, no other computer science courses are approved for substitution.