We are delighted to announce the July meetup of the Queen City Sitecore User Group.

Two excellent presentation are lined up for this SUG:

  • A futuristic showcase of the omni-channel capabilities of Sitecore XP by Rob Habraken - CTO & Sitecore MVP at Colours
  • Sitecore and NightwatchJS: Our Experience Creating Integration Tests in Sitecore by Hugo Santos, Coveo For Sitecore Developer @Coveo

Join us for food, excellent company -- not to mention loads of terrible albeit obligatory puns -- and great cheer as we watch presentations on all things Sitecore!

Date & Time (EST):- Wednesday, July, 11, 2018 6:00 PM

Date & Time (UTC):- Wednesday, July, 11, 2018 10:00 PM

Venue:- SilverTech Inc, 196 Bridge Street, Manchester, NH 03104

Click here for more details and RSVP.

  • Community Bulletin promotion begins on Jul 1 at 22:00 (UTC)
    – Mark Cassidy Mod
    Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 7:07


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