So a couple of us were wondering...

enter image description here

Why is this showing "3", but the review queues show up empty? :-)

  • Actually I think this indicator seems to work in a strange way :) I often find the number doesn't match the actual items to review Commented Oct 20, 2016 at 8:37
  • Yeah, I was complaining about that indicator a week ago on Slack. It seems like it's caching something. Commented Oct 20, 2016 at 12:25

1 Answer 1


According to this article Review cache indicator/timer - the queue lengths on the review page are cached. So it could look like there are 10 items to review, but someone has done 2 and the cached value has just not been updated yet.

Also it looks like there are still a few bugs around this calculation and that the top number is cached for a lot longer than the numbers on the review page. See these meta questions for detail:

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