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Questions tagged [iis-7.5]

IIS 7.5 is the version of IIS that ships with Windows 2008 R2, Windows Small Business Server 2011, and Windows 7. A subset of IIS 7.5 is provided by IIS Express, optionally installed by the Web Platform Installer.

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Trying to understand a log entry in an iis log file

One of my rest services has gone offline on an older server (iis 7). And while I do need to move this to an updated server; I need to get it back online at least for the short term. I'm hitting it ...
Gratzy's user avatar
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Bad Gateway 502.3 error when using ARR in IIS

We are experiencing issues with ARR configuration when trying to proxy requests to an external web site. Our server configuration is as follows: Web server with IIS 7.5 that we control. It runs a few ...
Mooh's user avatar
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Error LPT2.280C1DID.cer when expanding IIS hosting tree

When trying to expand the web hosting as one week ago, now its not working anymore. I found not a lot related answers. I have tried sfc /scannowand restart and scandisk. All without success. Perhaps ...
Nasenbaer's user avatar
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Appcmd.exe: How to set config the virtual directory by using it parent path?

Using Appcmd.exe, I am trying to change the configuration of the virtual directory using its parent path "IIS://localhost/w3svc/5/ROOT/Site123" where, 5 - is the parent site ID, Site123 - is ...
Sarath Kumar's user avatar
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IIS Send 200 Instead of 405 when POST to a Static File

I am trying to deploy a static network speed test application. IIS need to behave like This Nginx Config. Everything working fine, but I need to send 200 instead of 405. When Running Upload Test. (...
user3642342's user avatar
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IIS7.5 How to make a binding for 2 domains, 2 IPs and 2 certificates

I am clutching at straws... hope you can help me with this old server. I want to bind to ip 123.456.7.1 and to 123.456.7.2, each with its own certificate. As longs as I ...
Diederik Slob's user avatar
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After migrating to Azure DC local IIS resource sometimes times out

So a few months back I hired our CSP to migrate our on-prem DC to Azure. Since the word go, it was a disaster so I've had to go through and fix everything piece by piece and now I'm at the last part ...
HelpDeskNewbie's user avatar
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Disable ping in Windows Server 2008 R2 [closed]

my seniors and professionals, I know this issue is already listed on serverfault but I am again asking this question as none of the provided solutions worked for me. I have tried the following options....
Shahid Amin's user avatar
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Will IIS web gardens providing high availability?

I have an ASP.NET application (.NET FW 4.5) that occasionally crashes and has a long startup time due to an in-process cache. I am considering using an IIS walled garden (multiple worker processes) so ...
Aveer28's user avatar
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IIS7.5: HTTPS->HTTP 302 redirect

I have an website running on IIS7 configured long ago. There appears to be a 302 redirection in place redirecting all requests over HTTPS to HTTP instead. I would like to remove this redirect ...
spatula5's user avatar
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Protect static file on Asp Net Classic Mode with Forms Authentication

i'm struggling to resolve this issue since yesterday. I have a site (framework 4.0), hosted in a Windows Server with IIS 7.5 in Classic Mode. Unfortunately i can't changed this to Integrated Mode. I ...
Marco's user avatar
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rewriting URL (file) extension on IIS7

My company's site in in Classic ASP (.asp extension) Is it possible to change the files to .htm (or something else), but still have IIS parse them as ASP files? Using Windows Web Server 2008 R2 and ...
kneidels's user avatar
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IIS 7 - ISAPI error "Printer selected is not valid": how configure an ISAPI pool for see the printer?

I have a isapi *.dll made with Delphi that make and return a PDF on http request. The code works if i build it in a standalone exe, but on a isapi it raise an exception: "Printer selected is not valid"...
ar099968's user avatar
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Possible reasons Distribution of durations is tri-modal

Below is the distribution graph of durations from a single page of an webforms application. As you can see there is a cluster of response times in the 250ms range, there is a cluster in the ...
Aheho's user avatar
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How do I redirect an IIS 7.5 url?

I have a client that is migrating their website from to but it's not quite as simple as an IIS 7.5 redirect - or maybe it is and I'm not certain. So as it stands, I have DNS ...
Scott Reeves's user avatar

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