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Questions tagged [gunicorn]

A Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, light and speedy. It's a pre-fork worker model ported from Ruby's Unicorn project.

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configure nginx to close connection when upstream has sent its response

I would like to configure Nginx such that it stops reading from a (potentially large) client POST request and just close the connection once the upstream server has sent a response. In my setup I am ...
Klaas van Schelven's user avatar
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How to setup "double reverse proxy" involving traefik, nginx and Django (GUnicorn)?

This is currently my setup: publicly available private network __________________________ ______________________________ | Traefik reverse proxy | <--> | nginx <--&...
user3389669's user avatar
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I cannot send mail using python on a VPS

I have a running website on a VPS but I am unable to send mail. If I look in the supervisor logs I see the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/founders/founders/lib/...
SnowCrest Digital's user avatar
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launchd socket configuration for Gunicorn

I have the following working launchd configuration for Gunicorn (with Nginx as a proxy server): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//...
janeden's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gunicorn.myapp' [closed]

I am trying to make two apps accessible on my LAN server (raspberry pi). lab_app: this one is a very simple app, made with flask from a third party, using a sqlite3 database, which results to be a ...
Tms91's user avatar
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Change server header on all endpoints (Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn)

I'm working on a Flask app that uses gunicorn and nginx and should hide its server header, so I managed to do it only for the homepage, like this: import gunicorn gunicorn.SERVER = '.'...
Juan C's user avatar
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Django + Nginx + Gunicorn - Static files not found

I'm using Django+Gunicorn+Nginx for my web application in a Ubuntu 22.04.4 server. I followed this guide until the end and my web is running in production. However, static files are not working (css, ...
pfrud's user avatar
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Django: CONN_MAX_AGE persists connections, with gthread worker class of gunicorn

I am using Django, without MAX_CONN_AGE setting (default = 0), this leads to creation of connection in each request, and connection is not reused in django ORM. This is causing multiple postgres ...
mansi chauhan's user avatar
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Does systemd require a password in the unit file in order to run gunicorn under a specific user?

I want to run gunicorn as a service on a production server and have looked at many examples of the systemd unit file which are similar to this Description=Gunicorn instance to serve application After=...
erotavlas's user avatar
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Is a GKE Ingress sufficient as a proxy for gunicorn?

I am running a Python application behind Gunicorn in a container in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). The application sits behind a GKE Ingress, i.e., an HTTP(S) Load Balancer. The Gunicorn ...
user35042's user avatar
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Proxy error: /var/run/rpc/xmlrpc.sock (localhost) failed

I'm inheriting this old Django project hosted on an EC2 instance. It used to run on Heroku and used a Proximo proxy in front of gunicorn. Now it just runs a systemd script with the following: ...
AlxVallejo's user avatar
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The Site cannot be reached - Docker - Gunicorn

I have have a Docker container running on Linux Machine. When I tried to access it on Browser it says This site can’t be reached took too long to respond. Try: Checking the connection ...
Usman Rafiq's user avatar
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nginx Failing to Serve Static Files to Flask

I've tried numerous solutions of other posts, but nothing seems to work for me, I always get a 404 error, when trying to let nginx serve static files of my flask application. On my local host server, ...
AnthonyShea's user avatar
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Dealing with Flask routing paths when deployed behind URL prefix

I have single page application build using the python Flask framework. I'm using gunicorn as the web server and I have containerised it using docker. It is deployed on Azure Kubernetes Services (aks) ...
gigio's user avatar
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SELinux on RHEL8 with Gunicorn and nginx has problems with saving file into diretory

I have Django application running on RHEL8 via Gunicorn and nginx. All works fine in case of testing with SELinux disabled. When I enable SELinux, there is a problem with saving the picture from ...
Marek's user avatar
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