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Questions tagged [google]

Company providing various Internet-related products and services, such as Google web search, Gmail, Google Calendar, YouTube, ... They provide APIs for several of their services, allowing users to integrate these into their own websites and web applications.

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Google Workspace / Gmail apparently limiting external recipients to 3000 per hosted domain

I work for an organization whose email, documents, and mailing lists ("groups" in Google parlance) live in Google Workspace, in a Business Plus plan. We have about 120 individual users and a ...
morphine's user avatar
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2 answers

How to configure sendmail to forward all mail to another host?

I have an Ubuntu host with a public DNS A record on The sendmail program is installed on the host with the sendmail package. The MX records are set up to use Google Workspace, per Google'...
Armen Michaeli's user avatar
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How to authorize via Google on a web site for selected domains (mails)?

I'm interested in the question: is it possible to configure the Google OAuth application so that the site can only be entered from certain domains (mails)? Perhaps there is functionality on the Google ...
Codenear's user avatar
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2 answers

403 from Google certificate endpoint when using IPv4

I am using the library google-auth~=2.28.1 to enable "Login with Google" in my webapp. The login works on my local computer and on the test-server (hetzner), but on the prod-server (also ...
Nikolai Jay Summers's user avatar
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DNS not fully propagated after more than 48 hours, MX records not even showing on online tools, Google Workspace not working

A few weeks ago I transferred my domain from Google Domains to Bluehost. 5 days ago I modified the nameservers to bluehost (, and created the MX records ...
Alfredo Z's user avatar
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Traffic distribution inside an GCP instance group

I have a regional instance group with 2 instances serving on port 8000, no autoscaling enabled. This instance group is the backend of a Global external application load balancer. The web server on the ...
yellowhat's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why Google SMTP MTA's are not sending STARTTLS command

I'm a software engineer that wrote my own SMTP delivery agent. I recently added the STARTTLS support to my software and I was doing some testing, when I noticed that Google's SMTP transfer agents are ...
Ronnie Overby's user avatar
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How do I update in google cloud

resources: type: compute.v1.firewall name: tcp-firewall-rule properties: network: global/networks/default sourceRanges: [""] targetTags: ["http","http-server"] ...
Basketball Community's user avatar
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Error 400 - redirect_uri_mismatch in Google Console

I'm new to google console and encountering an issue while trying to access my app on Google Console, and the error message I'm encountering is: Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch I have already added ...
Pragyan Satapathy's user avatar
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Google Cloud Big Query Table Missing

I have Created a Table under a Dataset. But When Some weeks When I tried to Access the Table. I came to know that It is missing. I go to LOGGING EXPLORER For Check the Table Related Activities. But In ...
Muhammad Shayan SiddiqueSQBIRO's user avatar
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Google claiming my server is sending SPAM

My email server serves only a few people who are all known to me. I recently forwarded an email from my server to my own GMail account but got this error on my servers mailq.
John S's user avatar
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4 votes
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GCP Secret Manager Access "Invalid Grant" error 503 with Python 3.11

really losing it here. I wrote a simple piece of code just to be able to access secrets, and every time I run it it simply throws the following error: google.api_core.exceptions.RetryError: Deadline ...
Flavio Fenley's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to default to TLS1.3 for all dns traffic to and from Windows 11 box?

I was browsing Wireshark output and noticed that the handshake process for talking to Google DNS servers was asking for TLS1.2 vs the supported default TLS1.3 at 2001:4860:4860::8844.(https://...
Dan's user avatar
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Spammers slipping through SPF

One of the subscribers on the mailhost I run has been receiving scads of spam mail "from himself." With SPF set up and validated on the domain ( this should not be happening. ...
Macs R We's user avatar
1 vote
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Build a failover strategy inside GCP to redirect if compute engine stop responding or is on an error state

Currently I have a architecture inside GCP (Google Cloud Plataform) of a Wordpress application that works this way Cloud DNS -> Load Balancer (with Cloud CDN enabled) -> Compute Engine (with ...
Alan Nicolas de Oliveira's user avatar

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