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Questions tagged [apache2]

The Apache HTTPd Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

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Convert auth config from apache http server 2.2 to apache 2.4

I have the following apache 2.2 configuration and need to transform it to apache 2.4. <Location /> Order Deny,Allow Deny From Env=TEST Allow From Env=LOCAL Allow ...
trikelef's user avatar
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How to setup a S3 backed Media server with basic auth / password protection

Requirement Serve audios and videos stored in a S3 bucket Selectively protect folders with basic auth (username password); Low latency as much as possible but not necessary Cost is also a factor but ...
Ranjeet Singh's user avatar
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Getting 404 error for apache `/server-status`

I was told that there's a way to enable a url called http://<your host>/server-status and that this page would show you some operational metrics of the apache service. But every time I visit ...
learningtech's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache Upgrade to 2.4.58 on Ubuntu 22.04

I'm trying to upgrade apache from 2.4.52 to 2.4.58 on a droplet with Digital Ocean running Ubuntu 22.04. My upgrade path is: sudo apt update And then: sudo apt install apache But I get a message thats ...
SCMedia's user avatar
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Priority btween Location and LocationMatch in apache2.conf

I have this line in apache, before others <LocationMatch "\.\.;"> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule .* / [L,R=403] </LocationMatch> I am trying to avoid the problem mentioned ...
INS's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache Rewrite Engine redirect all request to index.php

I have a PHP web application on a Apache Web Server. The path to to web application on the Server is: /var/www/html/intern/organisation/example_app The URL to the web application is: https://www....
Mario's user avatar
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Variable substitution not working in CGI script

I am trying to make a CGI script that takes the name and email from a form, decodes the QUERY_STRING variable into the two values, and then does stuff with them ( for now I just decoded the name an I ...
velici alex's user avatar
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-CGI script not getting executed

0 I'm trying to make a simple form where you can introduce you're name and upon hitting the submit button you get redirected to a page where it says "Hello name_that_was_submited!". I did ...
velici alex's user avatar
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Apache LogFormat: what does %f mean?

I have checked the apache logformat from - I am not able to understand what does "%f" parameter mean in apache log format. The ...
Yogesh Tembe's user avatar
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Disabling unnecessary Apache modules for simplicity and performance

I noticed that my simple LAMP application does not need most of the default modules the official Docker PHP-Apache image bundles by default: a2dismod -f access_compat auth_basic authn_core authn_file ...
Pere's user avatar
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Digital Ocean Droplet Crash after Resize. I am unable to figure out the issue

I am currently running an Apache2 web server with FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM) on Ubuntu 22.04 at Digital Ocean. Recently, I wanted to add an additional website to the server. To do this, I ...
Dev Guy's user avatar
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Apache 404 Error getting pages from subfolders

Many many questions about this and I cannot find an answer. Simple website SSL, just set up. My configuration: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName Redirect / https://...
Elcid_91's user avatar
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Ubuntu Virtual Host served by Cloudflare is displaying a 521 error

I am in the process of transferring a number of sites to a new server. I've moved two already and after lots of issues these two are displaying fine on the new server. I'm using Cloudflare and have ...
Nik Lever's user avatar
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Need to allow only specific file extensions via Apache config

I'm struggling with allowing only specific file extensions via Apache (2.4.58). I'm doing this in httpd.conf. The problem is if I deny all files at first either like that: <Files *> Require ...
Gino Pane's user avatar
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How to investigate 100% CPU load for 15 minutes on random days

"I have a server that runs a website on Apache2 and is behind Cloudflare. The server's normal load, according to 'htop', is 10%. However, at random days/times, the server load spikes up to 100%, ...
CodePanda's user avatar
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