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Can you exceed 1 gigabit from an EC2 instance to an AWS Aurora MySQL instance?

I'm importing a terabyte of data into an AWS Aurora MySQL table from an EC2 instance. Because our service will be down while migrating prod, I care a lot about the import speed. Currently I can't ...
Seth's user avatar
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EC2 instance not found from Management Console

I'd like to set up a very basic EC2 instance, connect it to a MySQL RDS database, and install Wordpress. I'm currently using this guide, and I've created both an EC2 instance and an RDS instance. ...
Aparna Maddala's user avatar
2 votes
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Managing AWS EC2 and RDS autoscalling configuraiton

A client of ours generally can get away with running just the one EC2 and also has an Aurora serverless MySQL 5.7 database running, however there are times when their load spikes up significantly. e.g....
Seamus Lee's user avatar
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EC2 Instance connection to an RDS instance accessible only via VPN

I have a Laravel application (API) that I am trying to move to AWS, however, the DB sits privately in AWS and is only accessible to me through a VPN. The database is an RDS instance. How can I provide ...
chewie's user avatar
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AWS: What is the difference between Burst Balance and EBS IO Balance metrics?

AWS Docs describe Burst Balance and EEBS IO Balance in the following way: BurstBalance The percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available. EBSIOBalance% The percentage of I/O ...
Zillo's user avatar
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What exactly does the AWS Pay For What You Use policy mean?

Well, I was fed up with the absurd host prices here in Brazil when I got to know AWS and the pay-as-you-go policy. I recently started a course for the solution architect certification (SAA2), that's ...
Samuel Ives's user avatar
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Are managed databases (e.g. Amazon RDS) slower to access than database in the same machine (EC2) as web server

Imagine two cases: I have web server running in an EC2 instance and it is connected to the database in the RDS, the managed database service. I have web server and database running in the same EC2 ...
abcDE's user avatar
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How to diagnose cross account EC2/RDS connection with vpc flow logs in AWS?

In AWS, made 2 accounts. account 1: A | Deployed EC2 account 2: B | Deployed RDS Want to connect from account 1's EC2 to account 2's RDS, but doesn't work. So enabled VPC flow logs to diagnose where ...
Miantian's user avatar
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How to connect RDS from a different account with allowed IP in AWS?

I have an EC2 instance in AWS account A. Its Private IPv4 addresses is I allowed it in a RDS security group rules in account B, to make Type CIDR/IP - Inbound's Rule ...
Miantian's user avatar
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AWS RDS - Bottleneck

Working with AWS RDS for a couple of days right now, and i am a little underwhelmed by the time it takes to connect to the AWS RDS i did setup. My AWS RDS Server is a db.r5.large, in the same region ...
Tyralcori's user avatar
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My RDS instance is getting flooded by my EC2 instance, but my EC2 instance is running smoothly

I have a rather complicated setup in my AWS console. I have an EC2 instance in region A with LAMP installed for what I will call my CRM. I have an RDS in the same region A for my CRM that contains ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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AWS (EC2 and RDS) Cross Region Performance Issue

I have the RDS server at Japan and two EC2 instances, one in the EU and the second in Japan. I am running one application on the Japan EC2 instance which connects to the RDS (Japan). In this ...
Kalpesh Rajai's user avatar
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Security of SQL DB on aws RDS instance having access from any IP address

We have sql db on RDS instance on aws. There is web application hosted on EC2 that has access to sql db. We also access this db from our office. Since we do not have our own static ip for our office, ...
shravan bardwa's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk - WordPress and Laravel using common RDS instance, is this ok?

I'm working on a project that utilizes WordPress' admin front end to manage data, and a Laravel API that accesses the WP database (via Corcel) to return JSON/HTML/whatever. I'd like to run these as ...
Adam Crampton's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Amazon Linux instance can't connect to RDS instance. but ubuntu instance can

I have a newly created Linux Amazon Linux EC2 instance and an Ubuntu instance. And both instances try to connect to the same RDS. The settings of both instances are exactly the same. Security groups ...
blurfx's user avatar
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Doubts on moving RDS instance from EC2-Classic to VPC

I'm using Oracle RDS in the classic configuration pre-VPC era. I have created rules on the RDS security group to allow EC2 public IPs from VPC instances to access the DB. I have used all the 20 ...
molokoV's user avatar
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Amazon EC2 (Tokyo) Can't Access Amazon RDS (Frankfurt)

I have EC2 instance in Tokyo : and I also have RDS instance in Frankfurt : EC2's IP address already listed in RDS security groups : But why EC2 Tokyo still unable to connect to RDS Frankfurt? ...
Saint Robson's user avatar
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Copy and launch EC2 and RDS in another account

I need to copy and launch an EC2 instance in another account but the instance is using an RDS instance. I know I can make an image snapshot of the EC2 and the RDS and then launch them on the other ...
gtovar's user avatar
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Bash script in EC2 fails due to permissions

I am not quite experienced with EC2 and want to setup a cron job to create a dump of my RDS's database and copy it into my S3 bucket. #!/bin/bash AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=*** AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=*** ...
thitami's user avatar
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If I purchase AWS reserve instance in mid of month, will it cost for full month? [closed]

If I purchase AWS reserve instance (EC2 and / or RDS) in mid of month, will it cost for full month or it will be on pro rata basis ? I have searched on there docs I was not able to find, may be I ...
Ramratan Gupta's user avatar
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How to have segregated database for clients while maintaining control over code?

I have a SAAS application hosted on AWS EC2 and RDS. we use django and Postgres for the stack What we did was we had the public schema holding the tenant info but the tenant specific data are held in ...
Kim Stacks's user avatar
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AWS- Best way to control dates on distribuited systems?

I have a system that initially didn't need to control so tight the dates and times (it only worked in a single timezone), but as a requirement now we need to use multiple timezones on this system. ...
MikeVelazco's user avatar
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AWS EC2, Apache, PHP: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed

Running PHP 5.6 on an EC2 instance with Apache 2.4.18, I'm occasionally seeing errors in the log when trying to connect to an RDS database: PDO::__construct(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo ...
Marcus Ilgner's user avatar
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Improving connection to amazon RDS from EC2

Connecting to a local database on the same EC2 instance has a low latency, but to RDS things get really high. See results below. time mysql -u root -proot -h localhost -e 'show databases' +---------...
Phil's user avatar
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Connecting to an RDS from an EC2 on the same VPC

I have an RDS instance running on one subnet without NAT, and an EC2 instance running on another subnet with an Internet Gateway configured, both located in the same VPC. I have configured the RDS ...
Theodore's user avatar
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Diagnosing low disk space error from PostgreSQL despite low disk usage

I have a Django web application using a PostgreSQL 9.3 database, which occassionally throws the error: File "/usr/local/my_site/.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in ...
Cerin's user avatar
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recommended method of configuring access between ec2 and rds instances

I have created an AWS ec2 instance to operate as a basic webserver. I also setup an rds instance for a simple database. How does one make sure that the ec2 instance can connect to the proper ...
SkyeBoniwell's user avatar
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Amazon RDS: Why is Security Groups listed twice?

Via the AWS Management Console: I created an Elastic Beanstalk app configured with RDS. When I look at my Amazon RDS PostgreSQL DB instance details, I see Security Groups listed twice, with two ...
ma11hew28's user avatar
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AWS security group for newly launched instances

In AWS, our auto scaling group is launching new instances in different availability zones (for high availability) and these web instances of course require access to database (RDS) service on port ...
Farmi's user avatar
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MySQL connection on Amazon RDS t2.small performing very slow

I'm very new to AWS. I've created a new RDS instance t2.small by following the previous one. I've selected all options as similar with the previous one. But the new instance is performing very slow, ...
biplob's user avatar
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Combining EC2 with S3 and RDS from AWS Amazon

I would like opinions if the following scenario is feasible or not. Also, if you think that I see something wrong don't hesitate to mention that. I have to propose and create a System Architecture ...
John's user avatar
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AWS replication for running Odoo

I'm planning to run Odoo on AWS. I need to have real time replication so that we have fail-over. EC2 instances would just have Odoo running and would be put under ELB. RDS (multi - az) postgres would ...
Prasanth's user avatar
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How to run this cron job on Amazon Elastic beanstalk?

My Elastic Beanstalk App has 2 environments in it: Web server with RDS - for website hosting and data. Worker (no RDS) - for running cron jobs Now I have a cron job that needs to read about 1 ...
supersan's user avatar
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Connect to RDS from EC2 instance in a different Availability Zone (AZ)

OK, so I have a VPC with three app servers and an instance of Postgres in RDS. I have a security group called 'rds-staging' that allows inbound connections on port 5432 from a security group called '...
Codebeef's user avatar
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Can't connect MySQL EC2 master to RDS slave

I am having issues setting up replication between a MySQL RDS instance and an external master on EC2. As far as I can tell, everything is set up correctly but the slave never reaches the master and ...
blep's user avatar
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Verifying the reason why people say it's not a good practice to let an app connect to your db directly

I'm working with postgre (AWS RDS) for my db and using node (AWS EC2) for server side. I'm just starting out so I don't have much context. I always used other third party software like Parse for DB so ...
shle2821's user avatar
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Why is there a delay with executing queries on my RDS instance

I have an application running on an ec2 m3 instance and mysql running on an dRDS instance. They're both in the same, region, VPC hwoever they appear to be in different availability Zones. The issue ...
Ali's user avatar
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MariaDB on Amazon RDS - Initial setup user grants and permissions

I'm trying to learn more AWS, and have an EC2 setup and an RDS setup running MariaDB. When I created the RDS instance, it asked for user/pass for the initial user, and created 'rdsadmin'@'localhost' ...
Steve's user avatar
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AWS ELB Latency issue

I have two c3.2xlarge EC2 machines with Ubuntu environment both in us-west-2a AZ. Both contains same code with mySQL database from AWS RDS (db.r3.2xlarge). Both instances are added to an ELB. Both has ...
Thamilhan's user avatar
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Backing up website that uses amazon ec2 and RDS as database

Hello I'm currently using Amazon ec2 instance to run a wordpress website OS is amazon linux AMI and I'm using RDS as my database I need to back up my website without downtime is that possible? RDS ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Cannot connect to remote MySQL server (RDS)

When I am trying to connect to RDS from my vps, it says connection refused. When I tried connecting it from local or other vps, it worked fine. I figured out that it must be a firewall issue on my ...
nirvair's user avatar
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Restrict RDS users to particular region

I am trying to create a policy where I can restrict users to access different region RDS. However I want to give them admin access to only one region i.e. ap-southeast-1. I have created some policies ...
Sanjay Dhodwar's user avatar
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Amazon RDS and Auto-Scale EBS: Security Groups

I have the following setup on Amazon AWS: An Auto-Scaling Group An ELB An RDS database Everything is in the default VPC The only thing about this setup that I don't quite understand yet relates to ...
bobsoap's user avatar
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Reducing AWS EC2 Instance and RDS - Is 'low' Network Performance acceptable?

I launched my site on AWS a few weeks ago. I have a m3.medium EC2 instance and a db.m3.medium RDS instance (MySQL database). I've looked at the monitoring for each and this is the average usage for ...
Luke's user avatar
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AWS VPC Public Private Subnets - EC2 Instance cannot reach RDS instance

Following rposcibed pattern here: Scenario 3: VPC with Public and Private Subnets and Hardware VPN Access Summary Description: I have configured a VPC with 1 public Subnet and 2 private Subnets Each ...
Threadid's user avatar
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Connect to RDS from EC2 - different AZ

I have set up a RDS instance with Multi-AZ support. It ended up in eu-west-1a. It is setup with "Publically available = YES" I have a EC2 instance in eu-west-1c, from which I want to access the RDS ...
Markus Johansson's user avatar
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Connection / Tunnel to AWS RDS from EC2

I'm working on a website hosted in a VPC on AWS. Yesterday, we moved the mysql server from a EC2 instance to a RDS instance to allow the mysql server to perform better. So, before, when I wanted to ...
miganml's user avatar
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named-sdb (bind) can't resolve mysql hostname in chroot

When running bind in chroot, the mysql dlz driver cannot resolve the hostname of the mysql server (rds). Using amazon ami (centos based) in VPC. Aug 25 10:22:27 paper named-sdb[6812]: Loading 'Mysql ...
dandan's user avatar
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RDS to EC2 mysql replication

I would like to create a RDS mysql and to replicate it to an EC2 server so the DB will be local and thus the query time will be faster (the EC2 is a web server). According to the second paragraph here ...
Gluz's user avatar
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AWS RDS db.t2 instance performance thresholds & monitoring

We have been rolling out a standard web server configuration for mainstream CMS software like Drupal & WordPress, with the server & storage on EC2 / EBS and the database for those software ...
rphair's user avatar
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