I'd like to set up a very basic EC2 instance, connect it to a MySQL RDS database, and install Wordpress. I'm currently using this guide, and I've created both an EC2 instance and an RDS instance. However, when I try to use the GUI to connect the EC2 instance to RDS, I get a message that "The EC2 instance is not found."

What I've checked so far:

  • Both the EC2 and RDS instances are using a test security group that allows inbound HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, and Aurora/MySQL traffic from anywhere. (I know! I'll fix it once I know what's going on.)
  • I kept the default outbound rule (allow all).
  • The EC2 and RDS instances share the same VPC security group and the same VPC.
  • I can SSH into the EC2 instance and visit its public IP address.

Error: "The EC2 instance is not found."

1 Answer 1


please check below link, looks like this is a bug


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