I need to ensure that servers have been properly configured to prevent the usage of SSL2/3 and TLS1.0/1.1 and ensure that only TLS1.2 is enabled.

In addition I need to ensure that certain ciphers are enabled/disabled to meet PCI/HIPAA requirements.

I've found plenty of one off scripts and applications. IISCrypto (nartac) and https://www.hass.de/files/nodes/story/58/setupiisforsslperfectforwardsecrecy_v3.0.0.ps1

What I really need is a DSC resource for cleanly enabling/disabling protocols and ciphers.

I cant seem to find any DSC-resources to perform the needed task.


1 Answer 1


A few months ago, I opened an issue on Github about this topic.


If you want to speed up the Github request you can upvote it.
Or maybe somebody can help the project and write the code for it...

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