Looking at my mail hosting provider's already-populated DNS records, I see that their auto-generated DKIM record doesn't have v=DKIM; in it - it is simply

k=rsa; p=hGF6ksa9fjf8SD6bcKk...

in the record value.

Is this still considered a "valid" DKIM record? Do I need to contact them to have them add the v=DKIM1; in? (The associated Name is correct.)

1 Answer 1


RFC 6376, which defines DKIM, states the following about the v tag in the key record:

v= Version of the DKIM key record (plain-text; RECOMMENDED, default is "DKIM1"). If specified, this tag MUST be set to "DKIM1" (without the quotes). This tag MUST be the first tag in the record. Records beginning with a "v=" tag with any other value MUST be discarded. Note that Verifiers must do a string comparison on this value; for example, "DKIM1" is not the same as "DKIM1.0".

Since it is RECOMMENDED and defaults to DKIM1, this record is compliant with the RFC and should work with all compliant implementations. (In other words, you should be fine.)

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