
When working from home, I'm connecting to a virtual desktop via Citrix Workspace. This used to work completely fine but about 4-5 weeks ago, something must have changed because since then every keystroke and mouseclick lag behind about 2-3s.

I have checked everything I could think of including:

  • connecting the peripherals by cable instead of a receiver
  • checking internet connection (everything is fast - 1 gbit/s wired / LAN connection)
  • uninstalling and reinstalling Citrix workspace (with version (2403.1)
  • installing latest Windows update (I'm on Windows 10 newest update)

I also tried connecting via the pc of another family member (he brought his PC to me and we used the same cables etc. to rule that out) and with his PC, everything worked fine.

So I thought that maybe the OS is too old and I even went ahead and bought a new pc

I set it up and installed nothing but the Citrix Workspace so that it is compeletely fresh but the same lags happened again.

Then I thought that it might be because the new PC has Windows 11 Home so I bought the upgrade to Windows 11 Pro but the issue remains.

So I'm out about 1700.- and completely out of ideas what else could be the problem.

Did anyone have this issue as well or has any ideas what else I could try?

Thanks in advance!

  • At a minimum, you need to include the latency in Ms and the physical distance to the server in km.
    – Greg Askew
    Commented Jul 1 at 19:05
  • The latency is 2000-3000ms and the distance to the server around 10km
    – xeraphim
    Commented Jul 1 at 19:16
  • 2
    That is 10x worse than the worst allowable before it is considered unusable. You need to identify where the latency begins along the path, although an oversubscribed network will exhibit the same symptoms. What SLA does your carrier have between points A and B?
    – Greg Askew
    Commented Jul 1 at 19:37
  • It is pretty unusable and working like this is extremely nerve wrecking. Unfortunately I have no idea about the SLAs since this is all managed by the organization. My helpdesk was extremely not helpful as well, they just said the problem is my computer and they aren't allowed to do anything on a device that is not managed by the organization
    – xeraphim
    Commented Jul 1 at 19:41
  • 1
    we don't need to talk about. Contact the IT Department that is in response to. Home and end-user computing questions may be asked on Super User but are off-topic on ServerFault
    – djdomi
    Commented Jul 2 at 4:53


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