I am seeing these API Errors on the AWS management console (EC2 & VPC dashboards). Sometimes refreshing will allow it to work for a short time. This only seems to happen when accessing from our company network, when accessing at home I do not see the issue, so I expect it is not a permission problem like this similar issue. API Error labels all over AWS management console (EC2 Dashboard)

When refreshing all of the menus and static content load quickly, but any of the dynamic information will take a long time and then show the errors.

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1 Answer 1


I've seen this in two different scenarios. The first, and seemingly most common, is an error in permissions (you'd want to check the IAM users/groups/permissions for EC2 management policies). A user I found online had the correct permissions, but also had a permission boundary set, which tripped them up.

In my specific case, I think it was an issue with Web Sockets. Since I'm accessing via a proxy due to the odd setup of my work network, this caused some problems. Accessing on a different network sorted it out immediately. The only way I knew I had an issue was trying to use the Cloud Console and then googling the error message there gave me the final hint needed.

  • I am almost certain that it is not a permissions error. When I access from a different network I do not see any issues. We also use a proxy server, and I am suspecting that this is the issue. What did you do to fix the issue, I cannot figure out what about the proxy setup is causing the issue. I have tried connecting through 2 different proxy servers and both have the same issue.
    – Denham
    Commented May 13 at 8:09
  • In my case I used a different network entirely without any proxy stuff going on. Sorry I can't be more helpful than that. You could try packet capture analysis to see what is happening perhaps (tcpdump/wireshark)? It wouldn't be straightforward though. It could be that the API communicates with different servers which are blocked by a firewall, since in theory the proxy can't see the contents of HTTPS (i.e. the proxy thing might be a red herring!)
    – Dan
    Commented May 16 at 6:23

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