I'm setting up a failover cluster on Azure 2019 VMs. I've got to set up both a file server and a generic service. Ideally I'd like to always move them both to the same node rather than having to do it individually. Is there a way of grouping these together so when one role moves so does the other?

I'm not seeing any options in the GUI or within powershell but I might just not know what to look for.

1 Answer 1


In order to combine different cluster roles to failover together, you need to organize them into a single cluster group. Here is the official documentation in this regard.

Usually, those kinds of management tasks are not present within the Failover Cluster Manager and have to be done using Powershell. If Powershell commands do not work for you right away, please make sure you are running them as administrator and that Powershell is configured correctly.

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