My Web app works with a Payment service called Stripe. Stripe proceeds the payment by webhook.

I do have a Stripe webhook that is successfully caught and processed in Stripe's TEST MODE, on http local host server.

When switching to Stripe's LIVE MODE DATA, I need to SSL converted "http" to "https" So I set a Load Balancer and exposed the server over HTTPS by AWS.

However, the webhook returns error saying Timed out connecting to remote host, https://customsrulingsdb.com/subscriptions/webhook/

When the URL is SSL converted from "http" to "https", is there anything I need to fix working with third pirty to proceed payment?

I used below two tools but I can not figure out what the problem is.



I just mentioned the above settings in this question but still if more code is required then tell me I'll update my question with that information.

Thank you.

  • Check your firewall/security group. Commented Jul 25, 2021 at 5:36
  • @Michael Hampton Thank you for your answer. I'm using AWS to set SSL. So I read this document docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/… But I can not figure out what's wrong because I did not set up anything about the firewall and I can access my website from my desktop PC, Laptop PC, and smartphone. You can not see my website content? Commented Jul 25, 2021 at 6:33
  • @Michael Hampton I brought my smartphone outside and access the page, then I found out that I can not see the page. It must be my setting problem. I'll try again and may ask a further detailed question in another post. Thank you very much. Commented Jul 25, 2021 at 6:56


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