I have an elastic public IP for my EC2 instance. I have an Nginx server running on it (and nodejs as a backend server). I'd like to enable HTTPS access to my server.

My questions:

  1. Can I create an SSL certificate (not self-signed) using just my elastic public IP?

  2. If not, my department has a domain. let's say, https://www.example.com. How can I enter the record (and where?) so that https://www.example.com/base-route points to my elastic public IP without affecting any existing routes? If this is possible, do I create ssl certificate for https://www.example.com or https://www.example.com/base-route

  3. If I create a new SSL certificate for https://www.example.com/base-route, will it have any impact on the existing certificate for https://www.example.com/?

  4. Will new routes, say /route-2 on linked domain name point to correct route. For example, https://www.example.com/base-route/route-2 point to http://ip-address/route-2

2 Answers 2

  1. Yes

2-4. SSL certificate is installed on a domain/subdomain. So, you will use the same SSL certificate for

and any other links under your example.com domain. You would only need to configure your nginx to point your subdirectories to the your applications

  • Thank you. Can you please provide more details on your first answer?
    – Sid
    Commented Jun 7, 2021 at 5:35
  • “1. Yes” - really? I’m not aware of any recognised public CA that issues certs for IP addresses.
    – MLu
    Commented Jun 7, 2021 at 9:39

Your best bet is to create a new domain name for your EC2 instance, e.g. something.example.com, as an A record pointing to your elastic IP. Then you can open ports 80 and 443 in the Security group and create a new SSL certificate for example through letsencrypt.org. That will give you an independent HTTPS URL https://something.example.com

If you still want to have it under http://example.com/something you’ll have to configure a reverse proxy on the existing web server (assuming it’s a different server than this one we talk about). That’d be a topic for another question though.

Hope that helps :)

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