Recently setup an ftp server using FTP 7.5 publishing service... I have tried opening ports 20,21 and that sort of worked but it hang after logging in.... saying Opening binary.....

I disabled the firewall and all works ok... So i tried following this document http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/309/configuring-ftp-firewall-settings/

but it fails to work, can anyone tell me what i am missing?

I have specifically done this as per the document above

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP for IIS7" service=ftpsvc action=allow protocol=TCP dir=in

netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFtp disable

and set port channel range to 49152-65535..

As i say as per the document it FAILS won't even log in ... as if there is not ftp service there, with my GUESS opening port 20-21 TCP it sort of works but stops at opening binary.....

If i disabled the firewall completely that it works 100% without problems..

I am using Windows 7 (similar firewall setup to Windows 2008 server)

Any ideas really appreciated


3 Answers 3


Using IIS predefined rules for FTP and only apply

netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFtp enable

worked for me


Seems like a statefull filtering issue, i think you should enable this feature in your firewall.


Is FTP enabled for the private or public profile?

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