I've installed FileZilla Pro Server on a VPS server, and have it working with SFTP.

At first, I just used the IP address to access the server, but I've since added an ftp.domain.com subdomain to my VPS. This is also working fine.

However, if instead of ftp.domain.com, I use any other domain or subdomain hosted on my server, that also works!

Is there any way to restrict SFTP access to only use ftp.domain.com? And to reject all other domains and subdomains?

Note: There is one IP address for the entire VPS server and adding additional IP addresses isn't an option in the immediate future.


1 Answer 1


SSH / SFTP does not have concept of virtual hosts in the way http / https protocols have.

Therefore the answer is no. You need to have a separate IP address to limit access.


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