Trying to understand the TEE module of iptables. Intend is trying to clone and send the same packet to 2 IPs

Tried the following

iptables -A INPUT -P tcp --dport 2003 -j TEE --gateway IP1
iptables -A INPUT -P tcp --dport 2003 -j TEE --gateway IP2

Does this tee the traffic to both gateways or only the 1st rule? running the command iptables -L -v shows the rules and packets getting counted against the rule.

Also saw commands with -t mangle like

iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -P tcp --dport 2003 -j TEE --gateway IP1

Running the command iptables -L doesn't show prerouting values but I can see it in iptables -S

In any of the cases, this didn't seem like it was forwarding the packets to the said IP1 (on the same network). Running a TCP dump on the macing with IP1 could not show any data coming in.

Also any nice article on understanding IPTABLES for Dummies ...Official docs well went above my head :/



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