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The 2024 Developer Survey results are live! See the results
Soufiane Tahiri's user avatar
Soufiane Tahiri's user avatar
Soufiane Tahiri's user avatar
Soufiane Tahiri
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
50 votes

How to prevent users from executing commands through browser URL?

21 votes

How do I investigate where personal information in a fraudulent email was leaked from?

16 votes

How is the "WannaCry" Malware spreading and how should users defend themselves from it?

14 votes

WPA3 announced. Really needed?

9 votes

Why are users tracked?

8 votes

Can a website download documents, images, or other information onto my iMac without my consent or awareness?

7 votes

How would a backdoor gain persistence

6 votes

Using sqlmap --crawl without asking questions

5 votes

How to check if Windows computer has SMB accessible over the internet?

5 votes

How long would it take to brute force an 11 character single-case alphanumeric password?

5 votes

Qualys SSL Scan weak cipher suites which are secure according to

4 votes

Is there benefit to an Anti-forgery cookie with sameSite:none?

4 votes

Penetration Testing List

4 votes

How to analyze malware to find out where keylogger sent data?

4 votes

Software for testing XSS and other web sites vulnerabilities

4 votes

How do Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) work?

3 votes

Was the 2017 NHS attack targeted?

3 votes

Should UAC be turned on or off on servers?

3 votes

Is a SIM card secure against governments?

3 votes

How does Ransomware use vssadmin.exe with admin privileges

3 votes

How secure is the fingerprint sensor in the Pixel 3?

3 votes

Is this test enough to proof that the web application is vulnerable to Login CSRF?

3 votes

In Open ID Connect, why is the id token a JWT token whereas the access token is not?

3 votes

How to pentest oAuth2/oidc clients

2 votes

Does Opera Android track me?

2 votes

OAuth2 - Benefits for using Grant-Type:Password for machine-to-machine web-service calls

2 votes

SQLinjection prevention: parser + blacklist?

2 votes

Autopsy uncovering slack space of a file

2 votes

What compliance does my mobile application need?

2 votes

Actions to take after suspect PDF was opened