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Questions tagged [xxe]

XXE, or XML External Entity, is part of the XML spec that can introduce a vulnerability in poorly crafted XML parsers.

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I'm not sure why the different XXE injection payloads follow a specific pattern

I'm quite new to XXE attacks so please bear with me, when I look at the different payloads to get a OOB XXE they all look like the following (external DTD) : <!ENTITY % file SYSTEM "file:///...'s user avatar
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XXE OOB File Content Extraction

Currently, I've discovered an OOB XXE that allows me to include a .dtd file to extract a particular system file content, for instance, /sys/power/disk. So my file.dtd is: <!ENTITY % data SYSTEM &...
nicg's user avatar
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How can I manipulate certain server side responses? Specifically Ajax Responses? XXE Attack? Hybrid DNS Resolution?

I would like to be able to switch back and forth between the real DNS and maybe setting a local DNS entry so I can manipulate AJAX responses for code security checks. For instance if the server ...
Neo's user avatar
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Extracting multiple lines out of band XXE [closed]

I was able to extract a line from the /etc/hostname file and also but I want to extract the content of files with multiple line, such as the aws ...
ELMO's user avatar
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XXE in SOAP request when WS requires WS-Security

I am trying to test XXE and SSRF in SOAP webservice. Let say that my request looks like this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE order [ <!ELEMENT foo ANY > <!ENTITY xxe ...
user187205's user avatar
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Is possible XXE with XSI modify?

I wonder, is possible XXE attack in this case? The data of request is starting with: <InteractionMessage><Header><SenderApplication>VIP3.0</SenderApplication><...
Ugroon's user avatar
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Java XXE vulnerability

If I am already using xmlInputFactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, false); then do I also need to use xmlInputFactory.setProperty("",...
Rupesh Pal's user avatar
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Blind XXE - Exfiltration Data via OOB

My lab Kali Linux: bWApp Server: I want to do an exfiltration data via HTTP on this Blind XXE. I'll use the Portswigger Payload. This is the External.DTD: &...
Zefiro38's user avatar
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XXE SSRF Practice

I'm trying to implement a simple demo - to better understand XXE and SSRF techniques. I have written these two files below in an attempt to set this up. I currently intercept the AJAX POST request and ...
user1166155's user avatar
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XXE with OOB data exfiltration

SCENARIO: I successfully tried to send a request to the burp collaborator, then the application is vulnerable to SSRF through blind XXE. The payload I used is the following <?xml version="1.0&...
Maicake's user avatar
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PHP Blind XXE Exploitation: Invalid URI in Entity

When attempting to exploit blind XXE as explained in this article, I got an error in my apache logs: PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Invalid URI: in Entity The ...
user3207874's user avatar
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Prevent XXE attack by preprocessing XML

I have an old project which parses XML files coming from an external origin, so it is at least in principle vulnerable to XXE. It is difficult to update the project to use newer versions of XML ...
John Donn's user avatar
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XXE - possible to read directories?

I have come across XXE on a CTF a while ago and I can't get my head around where to go from where I am. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "php:...
pee2pee's user avatar
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XXE Injection in docx: entity not defined

My goal is to create a docx file that, when uploaded to a server and parsed there, causes the parser to fetch my url so I know it worked. Unfortunately, I only have Libre Office and not MS Office at ...
Sorokine's user avatar
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Deciding CVSS v3.1 scope parameter for a XXE vulnerability

I have a web application which is vulnerable to XXE attack. The impact of this vulnerability is, it can do a port scan by sending a malicious XML that does a request to a specific host+port in the ...
NShani's user avatar
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