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Questions tagged [metasploit]

Metasploit is an open source exploitation framework that acts as a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine

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Getting the ipv4 address of my VM [migrated]

I just installed metasploit2 on VMware and changed its network to a Bridge Adapter. Now I want to get my Metasploit2 IPv4 but when I run ifconfig it shows only IPv6 for eth0. I need IPv4. What should ...
Cyber Practice's user avatar
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Cannot exploit Metasploitable 2 VM using Tomcat 5.5 on Metasploit with Parrot OS

I've being trying to perform a simple exploit with msfconsole on Metasploitable 2 without any results. I'm using a host-only network adapter with DHCP enabled so I'm getting on the ...
Martin Montas's user avatar
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How to fix metasploit handler?

My Termux Meterpreter doesn't work. Commands: msfconsole set Proxies use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST set LPORT 8080 set ...
Duck's user avatar
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How can I safely write in my resume that I have written a MetaSploit exploit module without making employers nervous?

I have asked this question on The WorkPlace SE site and did not receive any comprehensive answers over there. I have around 10 years of cybersecurity industry experience and have gained proficiency ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Double pivoting - proxychains.conf - why should I use 2 entries?

I am studying pivoting and I had a question related to double pivoting. Reading various blogs, I read that it is a common (but not always used) practice to define two entries in the /etc/proxychains....
EEVV's user avatar
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Metasploit Payloads from outside the local network [duplicate]

I created a payload with metasploit and hacked my other computer. But this only works within the local network, right? I would like to know how hackers create payloads that work on targets outside the ...
Bruno Jaquinto's user avatar
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Using Metasploit on Kali to attack a Linux machine [closed]

Whats wrong with my exploit? I'm trying to attack a Linux machine using Kali. I cannot seem to get the meterpreter session started.
Dennys Perez's user avatar
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How to embed a PE file to another PE files

So what I want to do basically is what BDFproxy does on the go, I want to modify a file (on the disk) to embed another PE in it and have both working, it does not matter if they work concurrently or ...
LuckyCoder3607's user avatar
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Metasploit search features returns intersection of results

When I use multiple search criteria in Metasploit it shows the results as an "or" rather than an "and". I see that this was asked several years ago so now I am wondering if this ...
osus71's user avatar
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exploit failed: nameerror undefined local variable or method `sysinfo' persistence service module error [closed]

Recently I have been facing an error while using Metasploit. I was trying to exploit Windows 7 with eternal-blue vulnerability. After creating a meterpreter session I was trying to maintain a ...
shinobi's user avatar
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Create and bind to Metasploit reverse shell on Apple Sillicon system

I'm trying to create a persistence module for OSX systems but first I need to create a reverse shell that spawns and binds on the same computer over a LAN. I'm having trouble creating an executable ...
CJG's user avatar
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Metasploit - error msfvenom unloadable payload

I have been trying to generate a payload using msfvenom: msfvenom -p php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1234 -f raw > shell.php I keep getting this error: "error: unloadable ...
Onuorah 's user avatar
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Upgrade MSF ssh to meterpreter on a host behind a forwarded host

I'm training on a test network. I managed to snatch some ssh credentials and spawn a shell with msfconsole. Turns out a connection via ssh to forwards me to So I have ...
Simon Huenecke's user avatar
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Arbitrary command execution on remote devices

Is it possible to send a TCP payload to an open port that executes a specific arbitrary command on the target device using Metasploit or any other program? For example with Windows 10 Server OS? I ...
19216811's user avatar
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Surreptitiously surveil a logged out laptop AD workstation's keyboard with temporary physical access?

I can think of multiple ways to surveil a logged out computer with temporary physical access. The first is installing a hardware keylogger which would enable one to get all the keystrokes from it; ...
Seci Pedia's user avatar

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