I recently suffered an unprecedented number of hacking attacks. The following accounts of mine were accessed:

  • Patreon
  • Amazon (both accounts)
  • Paypal (3 unauthorized purchases, 2 recovered, one denied)
  • Microsoft (both accounts)
  • LinkedIn (defaced)
  • Google (3 accounts)

After changing all kinds of passwords, removing Paypal from all associated sites, and adding 2FA everywhere, I think I am out of serious danger now. Something similar also happened to my father, so it wasn't just me. What happened there?

Some of these passwords were repeated; some were previously-leaked passwords with small variation. However some were unique random char passwords.

And the strangest thing is that Google password manager tells me that some login info entries were leaked, which seem to be unique (random character combinations like 45irunfmeiu, but shorter than regular Google-suggested passwords).

What kind of leak can have exposed this many passwords of mine, especially different passwords, multiple of which are random numbers and letters which are unique?

  • "What was the recent non google data breach (april 2024)?" - Please use a search engine for this kind of questions, there are lots of easy accessible information online. Example: google: latest data breaches. Commented May 20 at 13:38
  • In addition it's highly country dependent - and we don't know what services you use. All over the world there's probably thousands of breaches each day.
    – vidarlo
    Commented May 20 at 15:06
  • I have been looking through breaches, but can't find anything that fits. Google doesn't disclose what breach they found my info at last? Commented May 20 at 15:31
  • I just checked, many of my google suggested passwords are marked as "found in data breach". How is that possible unless google itself was compromised? I don't store my passwords anywhere else. Commented May 20 at 15:39
  • 2
    You sure this was a data breach and not something running on your machine which stole the credentials? (browser plugins/extensions maybe?) Commented May 20 at 22:43


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