I have a subscription for a NSE scripts feed for nmap. There are some of those scripts which have the default category (among others)

I am running nmap in the following way

nmap --privileged -oX - -T3 -O --osscan-guess --max-os-tries=1 -sV -sS --script banner -PP -PE -PM -PI <ip_address>

However, what I am observing is that I am not getting only the output for the banner script, but for multiple other scripts which, as you can see, I am not requesting to be executed.

AFAIK, the scripts which are executed can be specified with the name or with the category. In this case, I am specifying the name, so not sure why other scripts are also run.

Does anybody have any idea about the cause for this?

  • What scripts are being run? Are they all "banner" type scripts? Have you checked to see that you are calling the script name correctly?
    – schroeder
    Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 14:11
  • What troubleshooting have you done? If you remove the --script part, do those scripts still run? If you remove all the other options, which tend to run multiple tools, does the problem still occur? My guess is that you are misinterpretting what a script running is and the outputs of all the other things you have going on in that command.
    – schroeder
    Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 14:15


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