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Questions tagged [deleted-answers]

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1 answer

How can I get a post to be undeleted once I've fixed the issues?

My post on ABAC adoption was deleted with an hour of my posting it. The moderator claimed it missed the point of the question so I reworked it to be clearer. The post is factual and the area is one I'...
David Brossard's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why was my answer to this question about Adobe Illustrator files deleted?

I'm extremely confused. I've provided an extensive explanation and answer to the question "Can .ai files (Adobe Illustrator) be malicious?", yet it was deleted on some unclear grounds. Why ...
Artem S. Tashkinov's user avatar
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Undelete an answer?

I didn't see Jonas' answer because it was deleted. But the link in the comments really helped me understand it better. Can someone undelete the answer? Or explain why it has to remain deleted? How ...
the's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Why put questions on hold instead of deletion, but delete answers?

I answered a question with no spam or offtopics. However, my answer got downvoted two times and then deleted. Why delete answers instead of keeping them downvoted, while “wrong” questions instead “...
Croll's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is it acceptable to delete repost an answer to counter "runaway downvotes"?

A user posted an answer to a HNQ question which was quickly heavily downvoted. When it hit -7, the user deleted their answer then reposted it, resetting their downvotes, with only minimal changes. A ...
forest's user avatar
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Why was this answer deleted?

Question: Hacked aiming xgirlfreind The answer was deleted by a moderator, but I do not understand why. It has some humour/sarcasm, but it does make an attempt at answering the question. I doubt the ...
Luc's user avatar
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2 answers

This answer was edited and should be undeleted. I cannot vote to undelete

The answer: The timeline as I understand it: The question is about Nmap and one of the original authors of Nmap answers. They copy the answer to ...
Luc's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Moderator deleted my answer without good reason

@AndrolGenhald suggested I ask this here. My answer here was deleted for the reason that "this is covered by other answers". First of all, its obviously not a duplicate answer, but it also contains ...
B T's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Undeletion followed by lock -- communication denied

I deleted this answer over a year ago, for reasons I do not remember. I assume it was due to some hostility in the comments, but I don't know anymore. (The comments had been moved to chat, and ...
DevSolar's user avatar
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