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Questions tagged [blog]

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Is the security.SE blog still alive or not? Is BlogOverflow itself dead?

It looks like there is a Security blog with great articles, but it has a banner at the top that says it is an archive. When you click on the banner, however, the About page it leads to has nothing to ...
NH.'s user avatar
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Blog - actions required

As discussed previously on this post and this one, the current SE hosted blog service on WordPress is going away - with an ideal timeline of 1 Jan 2017. It shouldn't be immensely complex, but there ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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Blog is autoreloading when visited (with a scriptblocker on mac)?

When I visit the following link I get eyecancer from millisecond reloads and am redirected after a short duration to a page that tells my that there were to many requests from my IP: (epilepsy ...
HopefullyHelpful's user avatar
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New blog - call for volunteers

From the discussion over on this post, and from discussions with regular contributors in chat etc., it looks like we have a yes to go ahead with a new blog. Discussion on platform is split - so I'm ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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18 votes
8 answers

Do we want to continue with our blog?

Firstly - yes we have a blog - with 91 posts over the last 5 years (although the last 8 months has been a bit of a desert, for various reasons - one being the removal of support for blogs.) Now, ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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Debunking "Debunking SQRL" - Blog article is misleading

Today I'd like to discuss an article that always comes up in Google when searching for SQRL. Debunking SQRL on the Security Stack Exchange Blog. I find it disheartening that an article that frankly ...
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
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How to suggest an edit to a blog post?

In QoTW #51 Lotenfogle points out... The only option I saw was to leave a comment, which is more permanent than suggesting an edit feature we have on questions/answers.
Lawtonfogle's user avatar
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Stump the Chump with Auditd 02

As part of the continuing series of Linux system event auditing I need another spec to bang my head against. What I need is a brief spec indicating what you're trying to accomplish and anything you ...
Scott Pack's user avatar
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Stump the Chump with Auditd

I'd like to follow up my A Brief Introduction to auditd with something similar to what we did with this question Simple example auditd configuration?. So in the answers please spec out what you want ...
Scott Pack's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Requests for Question of The Week blog posts

Since starting the Security Stack Exchange Blog on 15 July 2011 we have some excellent blog posts, and a large number of these are from our Question of the Week posts. Going forwards, it is probably ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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3 votes
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Weekly Question of The Week Submissions: Place a Link to the Blog in the Question?

The weekly question that requests nominations and voting for "Question of The Week" stresses that the top question will be the subject of a blog post. Some references to the blog that are ...
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8 votes
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Security blog - author profiles

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, we used to have profiles on our blog. That is, if you look at any post by me you'll see I have a clickable name which takes you to ...
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3 votes
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Question of the Week Timeline

I had some thoughts for improving our QotW process, in terms of timeline. Currently, the timeline is: Question selection: ASAP (Relative to posting of QotW meta question) Author selection: Midday ...
Iszi's user avatar
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Lists of Featured & Proposed Blog Questions

I wanted to throw this up so that we have a place to list proposed Question of the Week Blog posts, for future reference. This question should have two CW answers: Questions which have been featured ...
Iszi's user avatar
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QotW (and other) blog post templates

A suggestion for those who write the blog posts (as I am currently just a humble editor): I think it would be a good idea to create a "template" post for Question of the Week posts, and any other ...
Iszi's user avatar
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