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Course ID Description Instructor(s)
NENS 301A Neurology Core Clerkship Melody King
ECON-50-01 Economic Analysis I Christopher Makler
GENE-288-01 Neurogenetics MaryAnn Campion
EPI 259 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Epidemiology Kristin Sainani
GENE 280 Metabolic Genetic Cournseling Andrea Hanson-Kahn
EE-101A-01 Circuits I Jeff Stribling
STATS-60-01 Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus Apratim Dey
CHEMENG-12SC-01 An Exploration of Art Materials: The Intersection of Art and Science Sara Loesch-Frank, Curtis Frank
STATS-217-01 Introduction to Stochastic Processes I Will Hartog
STATS-117-01 Theory of Probability I Gene Kim
RAD-500 Diagnostic Imaging for Radiology Residents Jason Calcagno
ECON-51-01 Economic Analysis II Christopher Makler
EDUC-268A-01 Curriculum and Instruction in History and Social Science Kristen Jackson, Irene Castillon
SPANLANG-1-06 First-Year Spanish, First Quarter Maria Diez Ortega
LINGUIST-1-01 Introduction to Linguistics Bonnie Krejci
CS-161-01 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Matthew Sotoudeh
EDUC-264A-01 Curriculum and Instruction in World Languages Sonia Jimenez, Liz Matchett, Diana Sanchez
ARTSTUDI-173S-01 SmART Phone Photography Damon Casarez
CSRE-15-01 Race and College Admissions: The Case of the United States and its Implications for a Global Context Leslie Luqueno
CHEM 31A Chemical Principles I Nathaniel Brown
HUMBIO-2A-01 Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution
ENGLISH-90-02 Fiction Writing Jenn Trahan, Nina Schloesser Tarano, Edward Porter
OB & GYN Obstetrics & Gynecology Core Clerkship Cynthia DeTata
CCEP Caritas Coach Education Connie Wong
HUMBIO-154B-01 Principles of Epidemiology
COMM-177SW-01 Specialized Writing and Reporting: Sports Journalism Gary Pomerantz
BIOS-242-01 Writing Compelling Fellowships and Career Development Awards - Duplicate Crystal Botham
PSYCH-80-01 Introduction to Personality and Affective Science Jeanne Tsai
COMM-277S-01 Specialized Writing and Reporting: Sports Journalism Gary Pomerantz
BIO 15S Biology in the News David Armenta
CS-106B-01 Programming Abstractions Sean Szumlanski
SURG 300A Surgery Core Clerkship Gary Roberts
STATS-191-01 Introduction to Applied Statistics Cyrus DiCiccio
CHEM 121 Understanding the Natural and Unnatural World through Chemistry Megan Brennan
STATS-216V-01 Introduction to Statistical Learning Kelly Bodwin
CPE Clinical Pastoral Education Jen Dillinger
GENE-285-01 Genetic Counseling Seminar MaryAnn Campion
STATS-118-01 Theory of Probability II Jessica Hwang
PSYCH-10-01 Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus Apratim Dey
LANE-109 AAMC Faculty Salary Report
RAD 101 Readings in Radiology Research Patrick Barnes, Roland Bammer, Scott Atlas
PEDS Fellowship in Academic General Pediatrics Janelle Aby
HUMBIO-3A-01 From Cells to Organisms
STATS-202-01 Data Mining and Analysis Linh Tran
PGY3 General Psychiatry residents program Sallie De Golia
COLLEGE-108-01 Where Does it Hurt?: Medicine and Suffering in Global Context
ARTSTUDI-124S-01 Painting and Acrylics Cooper Salmon
EDUC-246E-01 Elementary Teaching Seminar: Exploring Teaching Ira Lit, Maricela Montoy-Wilson
PHYSICS-15-01 Stars and Planets in a Habitable Universe Felicia Tam
MS&E-20-01 Discrete Probability Concepts And Models Ross Shachter
CEE-101E-01 Introduction to Mechanics of Fluids Jeffrey Koseff, Derek Fong
STATS-200-01 Introduction to Statistical Inference Jessica Hwang
GENE 281 Cancer Genetic Counseling Andrea Hanson-Kahn
INTNLREL-102-01 History of the International System since 1914 Robert Rakove
BI-RADS Breast Imaging Steven Poplack
STATS-160-01 Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus Apratim Dey
MED 300A Internal Medicine Core Clerkship Nancy D'Amico
PSYCH-45-01 Introduction to Learning and Memory Anthony Wagner
EDUC-263E-01 Quantitative Reasoning & Mathematics I Jennifer Osuna
RAD 301A Radiology Clerkship Ann Vo
CS-109-01 Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists Kelly Cochran
HISTORY-102-01 History of the International System since 1914 Robert Rakove
ECON-1-01 Principles of Economics Mark Tendall
MUSIC-40 Music History to 1600
CSRE-17-01 To Laugh or Not to Laugh: Exploring Race and Gender Through Humor T. Jones
SPIRE General Surgery Residency Program David Spain, Joshua Villarreal