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Word translation leet[eedit soorce]

Frequently used in this airticle[eedit soorce]

  • it -> hyt
  • system -> sisteme
  • from -> frae
  • like -> lyk
  • was -> wis

Infrequently used in this airticle[eedit soorce]

  • University -> Universitee

Na, na. Thon's nae richt. It's mair like

  • it -> it
  • system -> seestem
  • from -> frae
  • like -> lik
  • was -> wis
  • have -> hae
  • and -> an
  • -ing -> -in
  • source -> soorce
  • open -> apen
  • University -> Universitie

An it's nae juist ward-for-ward chynges. Ye hae tae chynge the eediom an aw. Raither nor rake-an-replace, ye'r better tae ging through the airticle section-bi-section. That wey it's aesier for ither fowk to ken whit ye've duin an whit ye haena. -- Derek Ross | News 07:28, 15 Mey 2007 (UTC)[Replie]

Thank ye for yer help!  : ) Armed Blowfish (mail) 20:36, 15 Mey 2007 (UTC)[Replie]