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Michael Brown's user avatar
Michael Brown
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
37 votes

Why does Arthur Dent need to bring a towel with him in the film version of "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?

26 votes

How does one get qualified to fly an X-Wing?

19 votes

Did Voldemort ever learn that Snape was Dumbledore's guy?

15 votes

Why was a hobbit "the most unlikely creature imaginable" to pick up "The One Ring"?

12 votes

Could several Jedi peacefully overpower one Sith opponent through nonviolent Force techniques?

9 votes

Why is it improper to bury this character using magic?

8 votes

Movie or TV episode, where a person wearing a kind of 'intermolecular force cancelling' devices dies by falling thru the floor

7 votes

Why is Iron Man's origin in the film different than the comics?

6 votes

How did Snape and Voldemort Fly?

5 votes

Did Kryptonians own any other planet or had at least a major functional colony out there?

5 votes

How was Skynet created in the original timeline?

4 votes

Why are (out-of-universe) people so proud to be sorted in Slytherin?

4 votes

How is "The Trace" applied in Harry Potter?

4 votes

How could Rhodey fit into the Mark II armor?

3 votes

Did Section 31 have any physical locations?

3 votes

What does Deadpool: Secret Invasion cover?

3 votes

Why it was so important for Bumi that Momo was with Aang while he was preparing for the final battle?

3 votes

Why have Tony Stark killed?

2 votes

Who cast the Patronus in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

2 votes

Magneto lifting and throwing humans?

1 vote

In what order Should I read the Marvel story arcs between Civil War and Avengers vs. X-Men?

1 vote

Movie in which a hero beats the villain in a first-person shooter?

1 vote

How does Animatrix storyline relate to The Matrix movies?

1 vote

In Pacific Rim, why aren't Jaegers pilots crushed by extreme accelerations?

0 votes

In Halo Reach, why is the AI carried in a large canister?

-2 votes

Why does Death work for Dracula in Castlevania?