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For questions about J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter or the related franchise, consisting of the original book series, expanded books, feature length films, plays, Pottermore, video games and more (including fan fiction). For questions about the Fantastic Beasts series also tag with [fantastic-beasts].

3 votes

Why did Lucius make a deal out of Buckbeak hurting Draco but not about Draco being turned in...

Because Lucius is a bully and a coward Buckbeak, Hagrid and, by proxy, Dumbledore could be pursued through the law because they play by the rules. "Mad-eye" Moody was a rogue element and potentially …
Dale M's user avatar
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33 votes

When Dumbledore fell from the Astronomy Tower, why didn't his body go SPLAT when it hit the ...

People don't go SPLAT Human skin is incredibly tough and terminal velocity is only around 53 m/s (195 km/h or 122 miles/h). To reach that velocity1 takes 5.4 seconds meaning a fall of greater than 14 …
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5 votes

Does "leading" here mean that Neville is coming with Professor McGonagall?

Yes Neville and McGonagil are travelling together with Neville slightly behind. Neville was not unaware of her presence, he was just a little … focused on telling Harry what he knew, would be the poli …
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12 votes

When will Harry Potter enter the public domain?

It's complicated The duration of copyright governed by the country of origin. This is the country in which it was first published (for books) or released (for films) or, if published/released simulta …
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20 votes

Why are there no battle tactics among groups of wizards or witches?

These people are not soldiers Small unit tactics take months to learn and years to master and they are highly dependent on individual discipline under fire, a chain of command and competent leadershi …
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