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Questions tagged [copyright]

Used for any discussion of usage rights, distribution rights, or licensing and permissions of any creative work of fiction in any media.

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When will copyright on Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson book series expire?

When, in the future will copyright on Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson book series expire? Note: Rick Riordan is a US-based writer, so US copyright law applies here.
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6 votes
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Who owns the Star Wars Legends books?

Hypothetically, say I wanted to make a movie version of the Heir to the Empire series, would Disney be the one who owns the material and I would need to get permission from them or would I go to ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
13 votes
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Have the writers of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds credited Ursula K. Le Guin?

It is difficult for me not to see Le Guin's 1973 "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" as deeply embedded in the ST:SNW episode "Lift Us Above Where Suffering Cannot Reach". Both ...
Lexible's user avatar
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Is there really a rule that new Trek must be 25% different for legal reasons?

In the response to my previous question Why does the hologram jump from the TOS Enterprise to the TNG one? there was a comment that said the following: Thats also the 25% different Discovery version ...
RedCaio's user avatar
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Would it be legally possible to release a new Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit movie series, which instead of butchering the books actually honors them? [closed]

Did the Tolkien estate sell the movie rights to Hollywood, or could they still allow somebody else to make an actual LOTR/Hobbit movie series? That is, one which actually follows the books' story ...
R E's user avatar
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37 votes
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How is the Mary Poppins Sequel legal when the author denied a sequel?

In her will P.L. Travers stated that another movie version was not to be made. How is it possible for Disney to make and distribute Mary Poppins Returns based on the work of P.L. Travers when the ...
Underverse's user avatar
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What is the original work used for the album cover of Endless Power by Conquest?

When discussing a question about the cover of an album by Conquest in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Alex noted that YouTube user Songofwyrd has written a comment referencing another album:...
SQB's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does Conquest's album "Frozen Sky" reference the "Forgotten Realms" books?

A while back, I shared a song to a friend, who upon seeing the video's thumbnail, immediately asked me whether the band had ripped off the cover of Jean Rabe's Red Magic (1991), the third novel in the ...
Jenayah's user avatar
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50 votes
3 answers

When does the copyright on Isaac Asimov's works expire?

I read in another answer that Fox produced the film I, Robot because they had just acquired the rights to the Asimov collection and wanted to get a big budget movie out of it. I would have thought his ...
Z. Cochrane's user avatar
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Who currently owns the rights to the The 39 Clues movie?

The The 39 Clues film has been talked about and speculated about since 2008, when Dreamworks/Steven Spielberg bought the rights. Over the years, a few times we've heard random snippets such as who ...
Mithical's user avatar
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40 votes
2 answers

Is it legal to use the word "hobbit" for a race of halflings in an original work?

This is a question that has been bugging me for a long time, the reason is because the only original work I have seen the word "hobbit" used in IS the works of Tolkien. Because of this, I am very ...
skout's user avatar
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41 votes
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When will Harry Potter enter the public domain?

Will Harry Potter ever enter the public domain?
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41 votes
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How can these unlicensed books about Middle Earth get published legally?

Octopus Books publishes a range of books that are set in the Tolkien legendarium, from coloring books through to a range of books by David Day. They are widely available online and through retail ...
Phil John's user avatar
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When will books by Edgar Rice Burroughs enter the public domain?

I recently started reading the public domain Barsoom novels (I'm on Thuvia, Maid of Mars at the moment) and I'm planning on reading the rest of the novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs, but some are in the ...
Tom Dacre's user avatar
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7 votes
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Which studio owns the rights to the Watcher?

I understand that the first time that the Watcher shows up in the comics is in the Fantastic Four to warn about Galactus, but he is involved throughout several events in the Marvel Universe (such as ...
CBredlow's user avatar
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