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Questions tagged [the-battle-of-the-five-armies]

The third instalment in the live-action film series based on J.R.R. Tolkien's novel "The Hobbit". "The Battle of the Five Armies" is mostly centred around the titular battle, a battle over control of the Dwarven-kingdom of Erebor. Please use with the [tolkiens-legendarium] tag.

0 votes
2 answers

What does Sauron mean by 'The East will fall...So shall the Kingdom of Angmar rise'?

In The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies just before Galadriel confronts Sauron in Dol Guldor, Sauron says: It has begun. The East will fall. So shall the Kingdom of Angmar rise. The time of ...
TheMadHatter's user avatar
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Why doesn't Thorin die when he is stabbed by Azog?

In the Hobbit movies, Thorin is stabbed by Azog two times: First in the foot and then the chest. The second stab was potentially fatal. Yet how did Thorin survive such a fatal stab, let alone have the ...
TheMadHatter's user avatar
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19 votes
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Why didn't anyone save Thorin?

Why did no one save Thorin when he was wounded, instead of talking? Bilbo never called Gandalf or anyone to help him recover. Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel and Saruman would have killed all the orcs and ...
SHAHEER FARHAN's user avatar
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Was Saruman already siding with Sauron before Dol Guldur? [duplicate]

in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. after Galadriel, Elrond and Saruman rescue Gandalf and banished the formless Sauron they encountered Saruman proceeded to go after Sauron alone ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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Why was Thorin so interested in gold in the film, when he was really just after the Arkenstone?

In The Hobbit, it is made out to be that Thorin is after the gold but really he is after the Arkenstone. Why did the director want him going after the gold rather than the Arkenstone, and tried to ...
Ben Madison's user avatar
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Did Bard ride the cart in the novel?

In The Battle of The Five Armies, during Azog's attack on the city, Bard's children are about to be crushed by a troll (I think it's a troll, or maybe an ogre). Bard, seeing this, grabs a nearby ...
Daft's user avatar
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Why did Thranduil bring an army to Erebor?

When the Dwarves fled Erebor following Smaug's invasion, Thranduil was seen arriving with an army before turning away promptly to return to Mirkwood. Why did he bring an army to Erebor? Did he ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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Why didn't the orcs wait to attack at the Battle of the Five Armies

At the Battle of the Five Armies, it seems the Orcs would have had much more success if they had waited for the Dwarves and Elves and Men to battle each other before attacking. I am speaking to the ...
Goose's user avatar
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How did the Orcs control the Were-worms?

In The Hobbit: The Nonsense Battle of the Four-to-Seven-or-so Armies, Depending on What You Count, the Orcs of Mount Gundabad use Were-worms to move their army quickly. Are the Were-worms intelligent ...
Rogue Jedi's user avatar
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Why didn't the dwarves use their shiny armor for the final battle?

In the Battle of the Five Armies movie, near the end the dwarves are all equipped with shiny armor that they found in Erebor. But for the final battle, they all go to combat without any armor. So they ...
max pnj's user avatar
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Why did Legolas save Thorin?

After Legolas clearly hated Thorin Oakenshield, why did he save him? I mean considering that at the beginning of the movie Thorin hated all Elves, but at the battle of the five armies when he was ...
nightingale bird's user avatar
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How does Gandalf get his staff back in The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies?

In The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies, Gandalf's staff was broken when he was captured, but after his rescue he somehow got his staff back. How did this happen?
Our's user avatar
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What spell was Gandalf summoning in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies?

In the movie the Hobbit Battle of Five Armies, during Gandalf captivity in Dol Guldur (inside the cage), he and Radagast were whispering a spell, what kind of spell is that and what does it do?
JeanPaul's user avatar
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If Radagast gave Gandalf his staff in The Lord of the Rings, what happened to him?

Did he get another staff? If so, did he make his own? Did he have extra staves just lying around in case this exact situation occurred? Did he become staff-less?
Foreboding's user avatar
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Is "Dragon Sickness" a figurative or literal curse?

"Dragon Sickness" played a major role in The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies as Thorin became obsessed with wealth and gold, and paranoid about keeping it. This kept up even to the point of being ...
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