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Questions tagged [star-trek-tng]

For questions concerning the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (TNG) TV series and its four feature films. Always use this tag in conjunction with the [star-trek] tag and any other relevant character tags.

7 votes
1 answer

Why did Starfleet abandon Turkana IV?

In the Next Generation episode Legacy, we learn that the Federation colony on the planet Turkana IV descended into civil war and anarchy, something Starfleet and the Federation seemingly just allowed ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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10 votes
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Why is the EMH in Voyager so much more human-like than Data?

In Star Trek: Voyager, the EMH is clearly more human-like than Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation: When a hologram died in "Heroes and Demons," the EMH Thus he has emotions as there is ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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What role do Targs serve in Klingon society?

In the TNG episode Where No One has Gone Before and DS9's Apocalypse Rising, the animals called targs are said to be kept as pets but in the Enterprise episode Sleeping Dogs it is implied they were ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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15 votes
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What is Picard’s standing in the Federation during The Next Generation TV series?

There are instances throughout the TV series of The Next Generation of Jean Luc Picard having influence amongst the upper echelons of the Federation command structure, able to get classified reports, ...
Richard C's user avatar
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Why did Star Trek: The Next Generation season 2 only have 22 episodes?

In the Star Trek franchise shows Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, each show almost always had 26 episodes per season. Besides Voyager's first season, ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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What does the Klingon phrase in this ritual mean?

In the Next Generation episode Reunion, prior to a new chancellor of the Klingon Empire being chosen, a ritual is performed to confirm the previous chancellor is dead. First the arbiter of succession ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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What was the minimum power setting of the Enterprise-D's phasers?

As far as I'm aware, hand phasers and the ship's phasers work on the same principle. Hand phasers (and presumably phaser rifles) could be set as low as stun. What was the minimum power that the ship's ...
forest's user avatar
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54 votes
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Starship Enterprise: Always flying left-to-right?

I am watching Star Trek together with my wife. We just finished the three seasons of The Original Series1, and are now mid-way into Star Trek Next Generation. I don't think I have seen the Enterprise ...
fgysin's user avatar
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Which Klingon ship is most representative during the TNG era?

I want to buy a few Eaglemoss starships fitting the TNG era, such as Enterpise D, Romulan Warbird (the kind that is like a biplane with scoops), Ferengi Marauder, and a Cardassian Galos class ship. ...
Village's user avatar
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9 votes
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Did we ever see the deck 9 windows of the Enterprise-D from the inside?

One of the most recognizable locations on the Enterprise-D is Ten Forward, whose windows are visibly curved, which is easily noticeable from both inside and out. But what about the windows on deck 9, ...
J Doe's user avatar
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Where are the outside cameras located on the USS Enterprise-D?

In Star Trek: The Next Generation, when Picard (or the acting captain at that moment) orders "On screen!" when he or she sees a ship or object of interest, they can zoom in with great ...
Tom Sol's user avatar
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Has Data's cat Spot always been played by the same cat? [duplicate]

In Star Trek : TNG, the android Data has a cat named Spot. Spot appears in several episodes in multiple seasons. Has this role always been played by the same cat? Or have there been other 'Spots'?
Tom Sol's user avatar
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37 votes
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Do we ever see what Geordi La Forge sees?

In Terminator 2, we get few shots from the Terminator's perspective, mostly technical read-outs and a red filter. Do we get anything similar for Geordi La Forge's VISOR? I don't know much about Star ...
Ryan_L's user avatar
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Why were there two versions of the collared uniforms in Star Trek: TNG Season 3?

Star Trek: The Next Generation season three introduced the collared uniforms. But while re-watching the series, it looks to me like there were two versions of the collared uniforms. When season 3 ...
Syntax Junkie's user avatar
53 votes
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How did they film the changing decks in the turbolift scenes in Star Trek: TNG?

I noticed in S04E01 "The Best Of Both Worlds: Part 2" (at 08:20 when Riker and Worf enter the turbolift), there is a black opening at the end of the hallway, however when they reach ...
Tom Sol's user avatar
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11 votes
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Can the replicator from Star Trek TNG make illicit substances (drugs)?

Can the Replicator from Star Trek: TNG create illicit substances? Say there was a life form that lived on cocaine or THC or required them for recreational purposes, could the Replicator make these? Or ...
Tom Sol's user avatar
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Is There Any Further Content on the Starship Enterprise C? [closed]

The Enterprise C gets a brief glimpse to viewers in TNG episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise”, but that’s it. Is there any additional content out of universe that delves deeper into the history of the ship?...
MissouriSpartan's user avatar
1 vote
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Why did Data say Picard would be "an excellent drone" in Star Trek: First Contact?

I don't understand why Data said Picard will be "an excellent drone" in Star Trek: First Contact. Picard has already been assimilated, all his knowledge already absorbed by the collective, ...
tmtm123's user avatar
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How to get Flight Training outside Starfleet in the TNG era?

How to get Flight Training (and an according rating) during the TNG era for persons who did not want to join Starfleet but were inhabitant of a planet within the Federation? We have, as an example, ...
Shade's user avatar
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Can Borg drones control their ships with their minds?

I've seen some people get upset at seeing Borg drones press buttons on computer consoles, arguing that they should be able to simply control the ship via their hive mind connection. I'm pretty sure we'...
RedCaio's user avatar
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In what episode of TNG is it established that Vulcan ships have no weapons?

In what episode of TNG is it established that Vulcan ships have no weapons? Any other information on the Vulcan commitment to peacefulness and pacifism are welcome.
Hey Nonny Mouse's user avatar
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In Star Trek TNG Episode 11 "The Big Goodbye", why would the people inside of the holodeck "vanish" if the program aborts?

Is the Holodeck actually so far advanced that it transforms actual matter? I always assumed that the holodeck was basically an advanced projector with a few other matterializations, but not going so ...
Flying Thunder's user avatar
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Have Q(s) ever contacted humanity outside of linear time?

Q always seems to appear in chronological order. His first encounter with Picard is Picard's first encounter with Q... and so on. Captains that come later know about Q from Picard's briefings. ...
LevenTrek's user avatar
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How did Admiral Dougherty obtain a cloaking device?

In Star Trek: Insurrection, the crew of the Enterprise discover a cloaked Federation transport or dropship that had been hidden on a planet. From a story perspective, of course, this hints that there ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Did the Preservers/Progenitors spread to the whole galaxy or just parts of the Alpha and Beta quadrants?

In the episode The Chase, Picard and his crew investigate an archaeological track on the origin of life. Both Klingons and Romulans are involved, believing it can lead to phenomenal weapon technology ...
GBMan's user avatar
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32 votes
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Is this image of Jean-Luc Picard sourced from a TNG episode?

I recently played Star Trek: The Next Generation: Echoes from the Past, and was greeted by the following image of a front-facing Picard on several screens: I at first assumed that the image was hand-...
feeb's user avatar
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Enterprise D's Deck 1-Lower - what's it like?

In ST:TNG, we actually don't get to see most of the Enterprise-D. Specifically a lot of Deck 1 is unexplored, and more specifically, Deck 1-Lower. Here are some blueprints of it. I was wondering if ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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9 votes
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For how many years has Picard been the commanding officer of a spaceship?

Picard has been in the captain's chair of at least 3 Federation starships, and serving as such for multiple years. He was the commanding officer of the USS Stargazer, the USS Enterprise D, and the USS ...
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Is Dash Rendar at all based on the outrageous Okona?

In 1988, Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered the episode "The Outrageous Okona" in its second season. The titular Thadiun Okona is a roguish cargo freighter captain. He wears brown ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
5 votes
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Did the Q React to V'ger's Evolution?

In Star Trek: The Motion Picture, we see that: Do we know if/how the Q Continuum reacted to this? Is there any record as to how they reacted? As Picard once theorizes (in TNG) to Q, he believes they ...
MissouriSpartan's user avatar
11 votes
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Why is a baryon sweep necessary?

Memory Alpha defines baryons as subatomic particles that "accumulated aboard starships as a result of warp travel", and had to be removed by baryon sweeps- "a procedure lethal to ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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Inconsistency in Star Trek TNG holodeck [duplicate]

I’m rewatching TNG, and twice have noticed that objects from the holodeck are able to exit the holodeck. Wesley gets wet and stays wet when leaving; and also has a snowball fight, throwing a snowball ...
Mark Cowtan's user avatar
1 vote
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How does Starfleet's recording or measuring of time vary throughout the galaxy?

It seems that Starfleet ships have a need to align their onboard clocks with some broader sense of official Starfleet time. I'm interested in why this is needed & how it works. As an example, in &...
StayOnTarget's user avatar
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Why was conn held by low-ranking officers?

PREFACE: As there appears to be some confusion about this, note that "conn" in Star Trek is not necessarily defined the same way as in present-day nautical terms. In particular, Memory Alpha ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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In Star Trek TNG's episode, "The Neutral Zone," how were the frozen dead people revived if they died BEFORE they were frozen?

Surely doctors in the Star Trek universe don't have the power to bring the dead back to life? If so, why wasn't this power used on other dead characters? Why wasn't this incredible power explored in ...
M M's user avatar
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Why do medical emergency teams not beam?

When there's a medical emergency on the Enterprise, is there a reason that the response teams don't beam directly to the injured? Would transporters not allow for quicker response and give patients a ...
k-a-v's user avatar
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16 votes
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How could the crew abandon the Enterprise-D?

In the Star Trek: TNG episode, "Cause and Effect", Picard gives the order for all hands to abandon ship. It's the only instance I can remember but there may have been others. Now if we ...
komodosp's user avatar
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How did Picard break free from the Collective exactly?

When Locutus is detained in the science room, and Data hooks himself up to him, and Locutus tries to fight Data and everyone in that room as a result (he fights because Data managed to hack himself ...
Rob Jackson's user avatar
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How did the Zalkonians suffocate the entire Enterprise crew?

In Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Transfigurations," the Enterprise was intercepted by "Sudan," a Zalkonian tracking down "John Doe," the mutating Zalkonian. When ...
Sovereign Inquiry's user avatar
13 votes
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Picard/Crusher Love Scene

I saw a preview where Picard & Crusher were lying on the ground, Picard saying, "I love you, Beverly. I've always loved you." What episode/film is this from?
D. Sproat's user avatar
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How tall is Picard?

Referring to Star Trek: The Next Generation S7 E4 at the very beginning, while Troi's investigating Picard's disappearance, the alien responds, human, about two metres tall, smooth-headed. Is Picard ...
Bento's user avatar
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If the Phoenix had been destroyed, would the Enterprise have immediately disappeared? [closed]

In the movie Star Trek: First Contact, the Borg Queen orders Data to destroy Zefram Cochrane's ship The Phoenix and Data then fires three photon torpedoes at it which end up missing it. If Data would ...
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In-universe explanation for inconsistencies in Borg designations

In ST:TNG 523 "I, Borg" Picard meets Hugh. When Picard asks his Borg designation, Hugh responds that he is "Third of Five," using an ordinal number. On the other hand, in ST:VGR, ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Why didn't Troi feel the mind of the Borg Queen?

In ST:TNG 2:16, in the Federation's first encounter with the Borg, Deanna Troi states: We're not dealing with an individual mind. They don't have a single leader. It's the collective minds of all of ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Why did Locutus not lose his hair?

Borg drones lose hair soon after assimilation, and the Borg Queen told Seven of Nine after Seven's implants were removed that the humans made her in their image and gave her things like hair, and I ...
Lambda Moses's user avatar
1 vote
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Star Trek TNG discrepancies with things leaving the holodeck [duplicate]

I was rewatching the first season when I realized that they weren’t following the “nothing created in the holodeck can leave the holodeck” rule consistently. In the pilot episode, Wesley falls in the ...
user76329's user avatar
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Are we ever told what duranium and tritanium are?

Star Trek has been making up fictitious materials since season 1 -- dilithium, for instance, which (in an Animated Series episode, was said to have a helical structure similar to DNA). Some of these, ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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How old is Guinan in Star Trek: TNG?

How old is Guinan in Star Trek: The Next Generation? This post gives an age for her father, but not for her. She shows up on Earth back in 1893 in San Francisco in the two-part episode, Time's Arrow....
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3 votes
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How were the security sensors modified without the accessing codes?

In the episode “The Game” Wesley comes in the Engineering, and asks Robin if she got the security tracking codes. Soon after, on the Bridge, LaForge says, 'He's done something to the internal ...
Bento's user avatar
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Did Picard violate Article 14, Section 31 of the Starfleet Charter?

Article 14, Section 31 of the Starfleet Charter allowed for extraordinary measures to be taken in times of extreme threat. In TNG episode I, Borg, by not infecting Hugh with the virus before returning ...
GalacticCriminal's user avatar

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