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Questions tagged [star-trek-tng]

For questions concerning the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (TNG) TV series and its four feature films. Always use this tag in conjunction with the [star-trek] tag and any other relevant character tags.

65 votes
7 answers

Has any Star Trek character appeared in all three division uniform colors?

Many characters have appeared in two colors. Examples: Red and Gold Worf -- entire seasons in each La Forge -- entire seasons in each Data -- red in several episodes, e.g. "Future Imperfect" ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
65 votes
4 answers

When did the red shirt careers change to yellow shirts in Star Trek and why?

In the original Star Trek engineers and security officers wore red shirts but in ST:TNG engineers and security officers wore yellow shirts and command officers wore red shirts. Was it ever explained ...
Clay3981's user avatar
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63 votes
3 answers

What do they do with all the plates and cups in Star Trek?

Whenever someone in Star Trek creates food or drink in the replicator it is generated in the bowl, plate, or cup. It seems like after a few months they would have piles of used dishes from replicator ...
Skyler's user avatar
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63 votes
3 answers

Why did the Borg name Locutus?

The other Borg get names like 4th of 12, adjunct matrix blah blah. So why did Captain Picard get a name when he was assimilated, instead of a numerical code / designation like all the other drones?
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
63 votes
8 answers

In Star Trek TNG, why does everyone have plants at the head of their beds?

I've been noticing that everyone in Star Trek The Next Generation seems to sleep in a shrubbery: Notice in this image that the sill is void of nick-nacks except for the plant directly behind the bed (...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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63 votes
4 answers

Why does Worf receive only a reprimand for killing Duras in the episode, “Reunion?”

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Reunion (#81), Worf kills Duras in retribution for killing his mate. Far from a clandestine operation, his behavior is discussed with Picard who informs ...
Todd D's user avatar
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62 votes
13 answers

What's the origin of Picard's signature phrase, "make it so"?

Was Jean-Luc Picard's famous "Make it so" phrase introduced by Patrick Stewart or by the series writers? Was use of the phrase inspired by any other fictional character? What I was wondering was, was ...
James Ramsay's user avatar
62 votes
5 answers

Why does Data have to use a computer in Star Trek?

In the earlier episodes of The Next Generation is where I noticed it, and I realise he could be inputting commands into the command terminal, but why isn't his positronic brain interfaced with the ...
BenjaminJB's user avatar
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62 votes
5 answers

In the Deep Space Nine Episode "Defiant", what was the dispute between Riker & O'Brien?

In DS9 S3E9 "Defiant", Tom Riker (Will Riker's transporter-accident-created twin from TNG S6E24 "Second Chances") comes to DS9 disguised as Will. When he (still in disguise) bumps into Miles O'Brien, ...
Eddie's user avatar
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61 votes
8 answers

Why did Deanna Troi keep wearing a Starfleet uniform after Chain of Command?

For most of the series, she did not wear her uniform on duty like other members of the crew. However, after Captain Edward Jellico ordered her to wear her uniform in Chain of Command, Part I, she kept ...
Borror0's user avatar
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61 votes
13 answers

The Moriarty Sentience Problem - A.K.A. Why isn't the Enterprise computer considered sentient?

In Elementary, Dear Data, Geordi instructs the computer to create an opponent to intellectually best Data. The conceit of the episode is that the computer does just that, and creates a sentient ...
Tritium21's user avatar
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60 votes
4 answers

Why does Seven of Nine pronounce "Futile" differently than Locutus?

Before Seven of Nine was freed from the Borg collective by the Voyager crew, she was designated to speak on behalf of the Collective. Of course, she said the famous Borg phrase "Resistance is Futile". ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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59 votes
3 answers

How much does Commander Data weigh?

I'm referring to his "typical" weight, as in how much he weighs during his day-to-day activities aboard the Enterprise (minus the pipe).
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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59 votes
2 answers

Why was Data built with the capability to be intimate with a woman?

Pardon the inherent ickiness of asking how an android and a human...become intimate, but this has genuinely puzzled me since I watched the Next Generation episode "The Naked Now." The ...
Brett White's user avatar
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58 votes
18 answers

Why aren't there any main Federation battleships in the Star Trek universe?

All of the ships seem to have offensive/defensive capabilities as secondary considerations. The galaxy seems to be loaded with fearsome enemies and the promise of even more powerful adversaries yet to ...
Morgan's user avatar
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