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Which, in order are the physically strongest & quickest; Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan, Jem'Hadar, Borg drone, Cardassian, Bajoran, & Trill? [closed]

I used the major protagonists and antagonists in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. If you'd like to add some Delta Quadrant like the Vidiians or the Kazon, you're more than welcome. If you have other ...
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What happens to Thomas Riker?

A duplicate of Will Riker that was created in a transporter incident is discovered in the TNG Episode "Second Chances." The next time we see Riker's duplicate is in the DS9 episode "Defiant." We also ...
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Has the Federation ever kicked a planet or civilization out of the Federation?

I've seen several episodes where planets have petitioned the Federation for membership, and still others where the Federation is watching a planet's development in anticipation for future membership; ...
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The Founders, The 'Ancient Humanoids', the Preservers - are they linked? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Did The Founders evolve from the race that seeded the Alpha Quadrant? The Star Trek canon had several references to 'ancient' originating or protective species. Among them: ...
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