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18 votes
6 answers

What is the difference between photon torpedoes and quantum torpedoes?

It seems that quantum torpedeos are the next generation of photon torpedoes but I was wondering what made them better and what makes them 'quantum'.
Clay3981's user avatar
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Which real historical figures have been recreated on the Holodeck?

I was watching VOY: Scorpion last night. At the beginning of Part I, Captain Janeway spends some time on the Holodeck conversing with Leonardo da Vinci about his inventions and suggesting refinements. ...
JohnP's user avatar
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Why do people step to positions to be transported, even if there isn't a transporter pad?

After watching (I'm sure quite too) many Star Trek episodes, I've noticed a number of occasions where the characters seem to step away or onto a more specific location to get transported, even if they ...
Justin Jenkins's user avatar
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What is latinum and where does it occur?

We're first introduced to latinum by the Ferengi in DS9. Latinum is now considered the go-to currency in the Star Trek universe because it's so rare and can't be replicated. Gold (Au) and diamonds (a ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Has the Defiant beaten any enemy ship comparable to a 'Galaxy Class' starship in single combat?

This is a spinoff question from Why aren't there any main Federation battleships in the Star Trek universe? The Defiant is presented as a Main Battleship but has also been described as 'just' a "...
Morgan's user avatar
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Is there an in-universe explanation for how mobile communicators stop listening in TNG?

In Star Trek: The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager, it seems common for officers to touch their communicators to initiate a conversation but it's unclear when the person on the other side stops ...
Mike B's user avatar
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Are there truly alien Star Trek species with races?

Certainly there are cases, but I'm excluding cases where the alien's features (mostly skin color) match those of the actor. And of course there are these guys from Cheron in the TOS episode "Let ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
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What language does Worf speak on a daily basis?

Worf obviously knows Klingon as he has been seen translating Klingon phrases for his Federation colleagues. Gowron: We shall see. (in Klingon) CHEGH-chew jaj-VAM jaj-KAK! Worf: He said, "Today ...
TheIronCheek's user avatar
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5 answers

Why are bat'leths "swords"?

Bat'leths are generally referred to as swords. Bat'leth translates as "sword of honor". And, for example, Kahless's bat'leth is called the Sword of Kahless Yet here is a generic definition of ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
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Why is O'Brien, who operates the transporter, called “Chief” in Star Trek?

Chief suggests someone high-ranking and/or the job is very difficult. There are higher-ranking officers in Star Trek but they are not called chief. I do not know how difficult the job is but on a ...
user486818's user avatar
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Why were DS9's uniforms different?

For DS9, they switched to the much less pajamic uniform style. TNG style: colorful body, collar, black shoulders, no undershirt. whereas DS9 style: black body, colored shoulders, grayish ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
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3 answers

What genuine references are there in Voltaire’s "U.S.S. Make Shit Up" song?

Since Voltaire claims the quotes were mostly based on fan input and his own recollection of the series, I was wondering if it would be possible to get all the episodes together that contain the scenes ...
fgwaller's user avatar
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What happens to Thomas Riker?

A duplicate of Will Riker that was created in a transporter incident is discovered in the TNG Episode "Second Chances." The next time we see Riker's duplicate is in the DS9 episode "Defiant." We also ...
JMFB's user avatar
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If the Klingons joined the United Federation of Planets would they have to give up their cloaking technology?

The 'Tomed Incident' between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire in 2311 that cost thousands of lives and led to the signing of the 'Treaty of Algeron' which banned Federation ...
Morgan's user avatar
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3 answers

Did any of TOS 5 year mission first contacts aliens show up in later Star Trek episodes as Borg?

Are there any examples of Star Trek TOS aliens being assimulated by the Borg in any of the following versions of the Star Trek TV/Movie franchise?
Major Stackings's user avatar

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