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3 votes
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Was Chief O' Brien demoted from Lieutenant to Chief? [duplicate]

Originally he was seen as a Lieutenant (2 full pips) but later he doesn't have any is referred to as an NCO with the rank of Chief Petty Officer (TNG s4 and DS9) So it wasn't because of his transfer ...
Vladimir Vladimirovich Alenich's user avatar
5 votes
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What TV show has had the most actors appear on any of the Star Trek movies and/or TV series?

Watching an episode of Frasier followed by watching the TNG episode Cause and Effect with Kelsey Grammer as Captain Morgan Bateson got me to thinking. What TV show has had the most actors appear on ...
beichst's user avatar
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1 answer

What really happens when a Klingon dies?

In TNG Ep. 1x20: Heart of Glory, Worf participates in a Klingon death ritual primarily involving a lot of screaming. They're announcing the arrival of a warrior in Sto'vo'kor. The body is then ...
T.J.L.'s user avatar
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9 votes
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What becomes of a Ferengi's wealth/possessions after death?

Since the Ferengi culture disdains acts of charity and generosity, and entrance to their version of heaven is dependent on acquiring and possessing wealth, what becomes of an individual’s possessions ...
Celestialgranturismo's user avatar
11 votes
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Why didn't Starfleet deploy emergency holographic troopers in case of a Borg landing party?

Starfleet has obviously deployed Emergency Medical Holograms (EMHs) for medical emergencies which shows they have the capability to create life-like holograms throughout the ship. With the ongoing ...
iMerchant's user avatar
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4 votes
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Where do the Breen come from? Does Their alliance border the Cardassian Union?

I was looking at a cool map of the Alpha quadrant someone else posted and I couldn't find the Breen.
John Joseph Timmel's user avatar
7 votes
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Can the strength of photon torpedoes be adjusted?

The strength of a phaser blast can be adjusted, at least on the Enterprise-D (and probably the other ships with which we're familiar). In "Galaxy's Child," for example, the space entity is shot with a ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are there accommodations in the turbolifts for mute persons?

Suppose that a mute person enters a turbolift by him or herself, such as Riva ("Loud as a Whisper"). Since he cannot speak, would he be able to get to his destination? Could the destination of the ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can Ferengis grow hair?

Ferengis always appear hairless. Can they grow hair (but merely choose not to), or are they physically incapable of doing so?
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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11 votes
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Was Klingon language dialog "accurate"?

In many episodes of both Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, characters speak the Klingon language (which is mysteriously untranslated by the ever-puzzling Universal ...
Paul L's user avatar
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0 votes
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To what degree does the Federation respect Klingon Tradition [closed]

On MANY episodes of TNG, DS9 and VOY, we are shown that The Federation has great respect for other cultures and their traditions. I could list off dozens of examples but I'll go with one that seems ...
geewhiz's user avatar
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15 votes
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Star Trek end credits blue glow

During the end credits of each Next Gen Star Trek (i.e. ST:TNG, ST:DS9 and ST:V) we move through a star field as names appear, but to the extreme left of the screen there is a strange blue glow and I'...
Matthew Wilcoxson's user avatar
11 votes
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Can Betazoids read the thoughts and emotions of Cardassians?

It's shown in "The Maquis," that Vulcans cannot do a mind meld with Cardassians due to the latter's mental discipline. Would a Betazoid like Lwaxana Troi have similar difficulties? (Perhaps not, ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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9 votes
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Who was the richest Ferengi in Star Trek?

Given that Ferengis are so profit-oriented, it would be interesting to know who among them is the richest. Not easy to be number one among such a capitalistic society.
user486818's user avatar
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Why does Worf behave more like Klingon than Human given that he was raised by human parents? [duplicate]

If a Chinese kid is raised by white American parents, he will most probably grow up to behave more like the white parents than Chinese. This is even more so for an alien raised by humans. At least ...
user486818's user avatar
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Why was Chief O'Brien so underused on the Enterprise?

On the Enterprise, Chief O'Brien served primarily as the transporter chief, occasionally operating in a "technician" role. On DS9, he is Mr. Fix-It. Why wasn't he used in this capacity under Captain ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How does Starfleet maintain staff morale given that there is no salary difference between the top and bottom person? [duplicate]

Money does not exist in the Star Trek world. Therefore, you cannot reward Starfleet staff with bonuses and money. I cannot imagine how this will work today on any company staffed by humans. Suppose ...
user486818's user avatar
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16 votes
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Why is O'Brien, who operates the transporter, called “Chief” in Star Trek?

Chief suggests someone high-ranking and/or the job is very difficult. There are higher-ranking officers in Star Trek but they are not called chief. I do not know how difficult the job is but on a ...
user486818's user avatar
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Has any Ferengi ever done something out of sentiment at the expense of profit?

While humans are selfish and profit-oriented, they occasionally do things that lead to losses out of love for children, for the spouse, for parents, for family and even for the country. It is hard to ...
user486818's user avatar
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8 votes
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Physical Appearance of the Q

What do the Q look like? Do the Q actually have any sort of physical form that humans can perceive, or are they incorporeal?
Harlemme's user avatar
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2 votes
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Does Q ever appear when an admiral is onboard?

Q generally always appears with a captain's rank. Does he ever appear when an admiral is aboard? The one time I am certain of is in "All Good Things," with Riker as Admiral, but that was another ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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11 votes
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Are Starfleet officers allowed to drink on duty?

In Voyager In the Flesh, Chakotay is in a Starfleet Headquarters bar getting hit on by Valerie Archer while she is drinks a "Klingon Martini". It doesn't take long for her to ask him out. ...
1252748's user avatar
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12 votes
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Which are the episodes in Star Trek series with courtroom drama?

I like to watch courtroom dramas. I also like science fiction. Combining my 2 likes, I would like to know which are the episodes in Star Trek series with courtroom drama.
user486818's user avatar
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24 votes
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When does TNG take place in relation to DS9?

I've noticed character crossovers in each series but considering the timeline is mostly linear, when does TNG take place in relation to DS9? As an example I've noticed a correlation in the Maquis ...
Richard Remington's user avatar
19 votes
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Is Tuvok the only black Vulcan?

I spotted the following interview quoting from TV Zone magazine with Tim Russ talking about what it means to be "the black Vulcan". Tim Russ knows the reality of his place in Star Trek: ...
Valorum's user avatar
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19 votes
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Has anyone been beamed into the future or past in Star Trek?

Has anyone been beamed into the future or past on purpose or by accident? Or is this even considered possible in any Star Trek universe? In this question it states how beaming works, Why do people ...
KyloRen's user avatar
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25 votes
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Can Klingons swim?

The question ‘Do Klingons not bathe or not like to take baths?’ got me thinking about whether a Klingon could swim. It looks like they hate water, but if thrown into a life-threatening situation, are ...
KyloRen's user avatar
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Why use a Combadge to locate someone?

I've been watching a few different Star Trek series lately, and have noticed a similar plot device throughout each series. Many episodes within the various series have the crew try to find someone, ...
Him_Jalpert's user avatar
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How many characters from the TNG era would have worn the 'monster maroons' uniform?

My question here is: which of the main characters from TNG, DS9 and Voyager, in the earlier parts of their careers, would have worn the 'monster maroons' uniform that was featured in the last five TOS ...
Captain Webster's user avatar
1 vote
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Do the Q know about and take heed of the Prophets? [duplicate]

I just looked online to see if I could find a theory that I just had. I was just watching TNG for the umpteenth time (thanks to Netflix), after watching DS9 through to the end first (as my personal ...
Tomodedadio's user avatar
5 votes
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Starfleet Medical: Use of blood draws in typical crew physicals?

I've seen this argued over the past couple days on an alt Trek game well past TNG. This is a medical question regarding the canon of drawing blood for a physical. We have one person (the doctor) who ...
FirePuff's user avatar
11 votes
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Do Ferengi have any colonies outside their home system?

Aside from Ferenginar, have the Ferengi ever settled or occupied planets from other systems in large numbers?
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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31 votes
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Does Worf ever admit to being afraid?

In the episode where Wes is preparing for his Starfleet Academy entrance exam, Worf tells him that "only fools have no fear." (Presumably, he doesn't consider pre-emotion-chip Data to be a fool.) ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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6 votes
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What species or individuals can restore life?

The two I can think of at the moment are Q and Nomad. Q's power is pretty much unlimited, and Nomad restored Scotty's life. I guess maybe you could argue that Seven of Nine, or any Borg Drone, can ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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15 votes
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Did Q ever break the 4th wall?

I just figured, as it never happens in Star Trek, it would just add a bunch to Q if he did; it would have demonstrated that he is an omnipotent being. I don't expect him sitting on a balcony, smoking ...
user1129682's user avatar
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Which Star Trek episodes deal with the Omega Particle?

I'm interested in learning more about the Omega Particle as revealed in the Star Trek TV shows (TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT). What shows deal with the Omega Particle, and what is the recommended viewing order?...
iMerchant's user avatar
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14 votes
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Does Q perform "magic," or does he actually know how to do everything?

Bear with me. When Q snaps his fingers and turns Crusher into a dog, does he just "think it," or is there some scientific "explanation" for how he could do such a thing, that he needs to "think" into ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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6 votes
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Which TOS characters do we see in TNG-era canon?

I recall seeing Spock and McCoy on TNG, but which other TOS regular bridge crew do we see in TNG-era canon i.e. TNG, DS9, VOY and the TNG movies.
Often Right's user avatar
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44 votes
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What was the highest rated episode of Star Trek?

In all of the televised episodes of Star Trek (TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY & ENT), what was the single highest Nielsen rated episode?
sfhq_sf's user avatar
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What defines a starbase?

What exactly makes a starbase a starbase as opposed to a space station such as K-7 or DS9. Could a planet bound station such as Farpoint be a starbase?
sfhq_sf's user avatar
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Are there any large private companies in the Star Trek universe? [duplicate]

We know there are small companies on earth like Picard's vineyard and Sisko's (Ben's dad) restaurant, but are there any large private companies that operate within Federation space like say a Procter ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Are there intellectual advantages that favor viewing star trek [closed]

Is it culturally pertinent to the extent that it'd duly attract scholarly recognition. Do both TOS, TNG, DS9 fit the rule for this? Have the shows inspired modern scientists of the current time to ...
Quenzdlophus's user avatar
3 votes
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What ships have gone missing or their status is unknown in Star Trek? [closed]

What ships in Star Trek have gone missing by Starfleet/NASA/etc (USS Voyager doesn't count) and considered lost to the cosmos? These can include ships that were later discovered, such as NASA's 21st ...
iMerchant's user avatar
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10 votes
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Were the silicon-based life forms also seeded from an original race?

Humanoid beings, such as Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians, all came from an original humanoid race ("The Chase"). Is there anything in EU works which speaks of this applying to the silicon-based ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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1 vote
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How many episodes were there where a transporter accident was an integral part of the plot?

In all iterations of Star Trek, (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT and the movies) how many transporter accidents or incidents, integral to the plot, have there been?
Darren's user avatar
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What are the relative sizes of the various political factions in Star Trek

In the Next Generation/DS9/Voyager timeline (ignoring the reboot films) what was the comparative size of the various factions, i.e Federation had x worlds and covered x size of space. Any recurring ...
user avatar
18 votes
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Why is Miles O’Brien a Non Commissioned Officer (non-com)

In Deep Space Nine it is explained that Chief O’Brien is what they call a “non-com” (Non-Commissioned Officer). It is never explained exactly what this means, or how one goes about becoming one, but ...
Jonathon's user avatar
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10 votes
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In Star Trek, what are the General Orders?

From the famous General Order 1 (The Prime Directive) to General Order 24 about destroying all life on a planet, Star Fleet regulations guide the men and women exploring the distant reaches of space ...
Athena Widget's user avatar
6 votes
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What happened to the Enterprise after ST:TNG?

In the beginning of the fourth season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ("The Way of the Warrior") we have at least two references to the destruction of the Enterprise after events presented in Star Trek: ...
trejder's user avatar
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Were ST:TNG "Force of Nature"-related issues ever addressed in ST:DS9? [duplicate]

If I'm not mistaken, last two seasons of Star Trek The Next Generation were aired in parallel with first two seasons of Star Trek Deep Space Nice, and most of the episodes in both series had their ...
trejder's user avatar
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