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5 votes
2 answers

What role do Targs serve in Klingon society?

In the TNG episode Where No One has Gone Before and DS9's Apocalypse Rising, the animals called targs are said to be kept as pets but in the Enterprise episode Sleeping Dogs it is implied they were ...
30 votes
3 answers

What is the Klingon Bloodwine made of?

Do we know what the Klingon Bloodwine is actually made of? Is it actually as the name suggests? or is it just referring to the colour of it?
9 votes
4 answers

Why didn't the Federation get Picard involved when Gowron pulled out of the Khitomer Accords since he is "Arbiter of Succession?"

DS9: "The Way of The Warrior": SISKO: They've decided to condemn the Klingon invasion. In response, Gowron has expelled all Federation citizens from the Klingon Empire and recalled his ...
47 votes
2 answers

Why was the Klingon Chancellor not constantly challenged to duels?

In the Deep Space Nine episode "Tacking Into the Wind", Worf challenges Gowron, the Klingon leader to a duel, defeats him, and becomes the "leader of the Empire" (which he later passes on Martok). If ...
11 votes
1 answer

Was Klingon language dialog "accurate"?

In many episodes of both Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, characters speak the Klingon language (which is mysteriously untranslated by the ever-puzzling Universal ...
3 votes
1 answer

What really happens when a Klingon dies?

In TNG Ep. 1x20: Heart of Glory, Worf participates in a Klingon death ritual primarily involving a lot of screaming. They're announcing the arrival of a warrior in Sto'vo'kor. The body is then ...
0 votes
2 answers

To what degree does the Federation respect Klingon Tradition [closed]

On MANY episodes of TNG, DS9 and VOY, we are shown that The Federation has great respect for other cultures and their traditions. I could list off dozens of examples but I'll go with one that seems ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why does Worf behave more like Klingon than Human given that he was raised by human parents? [duplicate]

If a Chinese kid is raised by white American parents, he will most probably grow up to behave more like the white parents than Chinese. This is even more so for an alien raised by humans. At least ...
25 votes
3 answers

Can Klingons swim?

The question ‘Do Klingons not bathe or not like to take baths?’ got me thinking about whether a Klingon could swim. It looks like they hate water, but if thrown into a life-threatening situation, are ...
15 votes
1 answer

Do Klingons not bathe or not like to take baths?

In TNG episode "Conspiracy": TROI: Data, it's just not the same. Have you ever been for a real moonlight swim? DATA: One can swim in moonlight? TROI: How about you, Mister Worf? ...
7 votes
2 answers

Why don't Klingon weapons have sheathes?

Many Klingon weapons are featured during the Star Trek television series, and the characters display a reverence for them, much like a Japanese sword master would have for a fine piece of ...
22 votes
3 answers

Do Klingon Cranial Ridges Offer Sufficient Individualization like Fingerprints in Humans?

I was listening to the commentary on an episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9, and one of the writers mentioned that Bajorans' facial ridges are more-or-less the same on all Bajora, "unlike the Klingons." ...