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37 votes
6 answers

How did Cochrane obtain dilithium for the first warp flight?

In the Star Trek Illustrated Handbook (based on The Official Star Trek Fact Files 1997 - 2002) I read: Following the model established by Zefram Cochrane, Federation vessels' warp engines accomplish ...
23 votes
4 answers

Why did Geordi have his visor replaced with ocular implants between Generations and First Contact?

In First Contact, Geordi is not wearing his VISOR and instead has ocular implants. In the previous movie, Generations, Geordi still has his VISOR for the whole movie. Why did he change?
12 votes
2 answers

In ST: "First Contact" why weren't the Borg able to differentiate Picard and Lily from the other characters in the holodeck?

ST "First Contact": (they enter a nineteen-thirties night club pursued by two Borg) MAITRE D': I'm sorry, gentlemen but we're closing, and you do understand we have a strict dress code? So ...
8 votes
1 answer

Why did the Borg ignore these Enterprise crew members when they were assimilating other members of the crew?

During the movie, Star Trek: First Contact, the Borg were assimilating as many crew members as they could, as they took over the Enterprise-E. Picard watches a Borg drone lead a crew member away to ...
54 votes
7 answers

Why do the Borg care so much about Earth?

So the Borg are introduced to the Federation by Q, but the fact remains the Federation lives on the other side of the Galaxy, and aside from more possible encounters with Q / Caretaker like beings, ...
15 votes
6 answers

How did the Phoenix land?

We see how the Phoenix was launched, and that its flight was successful - however it doesn't look like it would survive re-entry (no heat shield etc and we have no mention of deflector shields being ...
14 votes
3 answers

In Star Trek: First Contact, why didn't the Borg go back in time before they entered into Federation space? [duplicate]

In Star Trek: First Contact (1996), during the battle with Starfleet which takes place very near to Earth, a Borg Sphere comes out of the damaged Borg Cube and then it uses time travel to go back in ...
-2 votes
2 answers

How can First Contact happen in 2024?

In the currently running season 2 of Star Trek: Picard, doesn’t that make First Contact year 2024 instead of 2063? Did Star Trek: Picard break the canon?
-1 votes
1 answer

How does the borg queen keep coming back to life? [duplicate]

How does the borg queen keep coming back to life? She is killed but always reappears later. When Picard asks her about this, she says Picard is thinking so 3-dimensionally.
12 votes
1 answer

Why was Seven of Nine upset at Borg drones being ejected into space, when they can survive in a vacuum?

In Star Trek Picard season one Borg drones are ejected into space. Seven of Nine seems upset at this. But what's the big deal, as Star Trek First Contact has shown that Borg drones can survive in ...
13 votes
1 answer

Is Sisko referring to the events of First Contact here and if so how does it affect things?

DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow (Part 1)": SISKO: A Dominion invasion of the Alpha Quadrant will affect Cardassia every bit as much as it's going to affect us. Besides, we need all the help we can ...
7 votes
1 answer

How far away from Earth did the Phoenix travel for its first warp flight?

At this point, Zefram Cochrane turned the ship around, and commented just how small Earth looked
12 votes
4 answers

Did the events of First Contact create the Prime Universe?

In the Enterprise episode "In a Mirror Darkly", the Mirror Universe's First Contact is shown with the Vulcans acting normally, but Zefram Cochrane pulling a shotgun on them and boarding their ship. ...
7 votes
4 answers

Where is the deflector array on the Phoenix?

In Star Trek: First Contact, the Phoenix reaches a speed of about 47,000,000 mph. When the ship is seen from the Enterprise, we see no deflector array. In fact, shields are never even mentioned at ...
19 votes
3 answers

What did Picard actually hear when he heard the collective in First Contact?

In Star Trek: First Contact, Picard hears the collective and orders the fleet to fire on an area of the cube that seemed low priority. What did he hear? Not to be "illogical" about it but was the ...

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