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13 votes
2 answers

Star Trek: First Contact -- any stories about assimilation of Earth?

Per the Wikipedia plot summary: The Borg sphere generates and enters a temporal vortex. As the Enterprise is enveloped in the vortex, the crew briefly glimpses an Earth populated entirely by Borg. ...
Cradle2theGabe's user avatar
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Why didn't the Borg drones in "Regeneration" become individuals?

In the 23rd episode of the second season of Star Trek: Enterprise, a couple of Borg drones are allowed to regenerate. Assimilation ensues. Why did they start assimilating things instead of becoming ...
Davis Jensen's user avatar
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Why didn't the Borg send a tactical cube the 2nd time?

For reference, I am talking about the Battle of Sector 001 in the movie "First Contact." I can understand that the Borg were busy dealing with species 8472, and that's a reasonable explanation for ...
Matt's user avatar
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What do the Borg think perfection is?

The Borg Queen tells us in 'First Contact' that they seek perfection. What do they view as perfection? They assimilate every race they think would benefit them. "Your biological and technological ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Were the events of the Star Trek movie First Contact always a part of history?

In the movie Star Trek: First Contact, the crew of the Enterprise travel back in time and witness the Borg working to prevent Zefram Cochrane's first warp flight. They then decide to directly ...
NeutronStar's user avatar
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Why did the Borg cube in Star Trek first contact have no shields?

It's quite clear when the Cube is first hit, and when you see the Defiant firing its phaser cannons, that every shot is breaching their hull. The Enterprise takes out their tractor beam with 2 shots. ...
Darren's user avatar
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'Star Trek First Contact', small room with forcefield use/purpose?

After Lily loses the medical party while traveling through the Jefferies tubes, she meets Picard, and uses his phaser against him. He then takes Lily to a room, with a hatch that open into space, with ...
Pioneer's user avatar
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How could Picard take control of the fleet so easily?

In the Battle of the Sector 001, when Picard came to Earth to engage Borg after violating his direct order, he had a special coordinate in mind which could blowout the Borg cube and Starfleet had no ...
user931's user avatar
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Did the events of First Contact create the Prime Universe?

In the Enterprise episode "In a Mirror Darkly", the Mirror Universe's First Contact is shown with the Vulcans acting normally, but Zefram Cochrane pulling a shotgun on them and boarding their ship. ...
Dzvfars Fdszvfvf's user avatar
13 votes
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How does First Contact occur in the alternate timeline (from Star Trek 2009)?

Based on what we know, how does First Contact occur in the Star Trek 2009 timeline? And does First Contact mean the Enterprise-E crew is still somehow canon in this timeline? Star Trek: Enterprise is ...
Dzvfars Fdszvfvf's user avatar
12 votes
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In ST: "First Contact" why weren't the Borg able to differentiate Picard and Lily from the other characters in the holodeck?

ST "First Contact": (they enter a nineteen-thirties night club pursued by two Borg) MAITRE D': I'm sorry, gentlemen but we're closing, and you do understand we have a strict dress code? So ...
JMFB's user avatar
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What happened to Data's eye?

Reading this question, I came across the below image: If you look closely, you can see that Data's eye is blue! Now, out of universe, Brent Spiner's eyes are blue, so that's the out of universe ...
Often Right's user avatar
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First contact with Vulcans

In Star Trek: First Contact, we find out that the first aliens that humans encountered were Vulcans. Was this fact invented for First Contact, or had it been part of the Star Trek mythos previously?...
stardusty's user avatar
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Why did the Earth stay still in Star Trek: First Contact?

When the Borg Sphere left the Cube and flew towards Earth and entered the temporal vortex, why did the Earth stay still? It was my understanding that the planet/solar system/galaxy rotate around the ...
Paul Doyle's user avatar
8 votes
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Was Picard guilty of murder in First Contact?

From Memory Alpha: Rushing to a Jefferies tube, Picard sees a crewman begging for help as Borg technology starts to take over his body and, believing he is saving him from a worse fate, shoots him ...
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