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Questions tagged [snowpiercer]

For questions about the 2013 film "Snowpiercer". It is about The Snowpiercer, a massive train, powered by a perpetual-motion engine, that travels on a globe-spanning track after an experiment to counteract global warming causes an ice age that kills nearly all life on Earth.

2 votes
0 answers

What's up with Big Alice's piercings?

In the second season of the Netflix series Snowpiercer, we meet Alex. Alex is an engineer aboard Big Alice, and is revealed to be We see that Alex has a lot of ear piercings, more so than I would ...
fez's user avatar
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3 answers

Does the internal layout of the Snowpiercer train require lots of suspension of disbelief?

I have started watching the Snowpiercer series on Netflix. Already during the second episode, I am starting to wonder whether the featured interior is supposed to make any sense geometrically. ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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5 votes
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When and how was the track created in Snowpiercer?

While watching the Snowpiercer TV series on Netflix I started to wonder how exactly the train was able to cross oceans from continent to continent. I got my answer in the final episode of the first ...
fez's user avatar
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Are there 2 tracks running around the world?

Apologies since this is all mostly spoilers. In the new Snowpiercer TV show, in the season 1 finale My questions is that does this mean that there's 2 separate tracks
GamerGypps's user avatar
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Do the children survive in Snowpiercer?

Following from this question: In Snowpiercer, could any life survive outside of the train? Is there any indication that the two children who survived the crash actually survive long enough to ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 answers

Why are they on a train in Snowpiercer?

Maybe I missed a key point, or maybe the answer is later in the film. Honestly, I lost interest because I couldn't get past this question. Why are they on a train in Snowpiercer? I have seen in ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

In Snowpiercer why did the soldiers with hatchets seem not to care too much if they survived / got killed?

When they first started fighting they had wool hats over their eyes. Were they able to see through them? Then they did some big New Years cheer in the middle of the battle. Is there any explanation ...
Joe C's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is Curtis so revolted by the contents of the protein bars?

When Curtis and company arrive in the protein bar factory car, they learn the horrible truth of the ingredients: Curtis gasps in horror and tells the artist specifically not to draw what he sees. ...
phantom42's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is Mason making these motions with her hands?

When Mason addresses the residents of the tail end of the train, she makes a few curious hand motions when speaking of the Eternal Engine. At the time, they look almost like odd subconscious tics. It ...
phantom42's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

In Snowpiercer, could any life survive outside of the train?

In a related question is was asked: Just how cold is it outside in Snowpiercer?. Would it be possible for any life to survive outside the train in these extreme temperatures?
Jason Hutchinson's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Just how cold is it outside in Snowpiercer?

I watched Snowpiercer last night, and I was struck by the seeming contradiction between two scenes. In the first, a character is forced to stick his bare arm outside of the Snowpiercer. After exactly ...
TenthJustice's user avatar
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What is the source of this event in Snowpiercer?

Towards the end of Snowpiercer, Where is it coming from? This does not look like done by
h22's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How long is the train in the Snowpiercer?

I could not find any information on how long the train is in Snowpiercer. I know there is a Graphic Novel the movie is based on. Is there any indication in the graphic novel as to the length of the ...
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