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Questions tagged [ray-bradbury]

An American author (1920-2012) whose most notable works include Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles and Something Wicked This Way Comes. His influence in America has been so great that he has had asteroids, moon craters, parks, even a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame named in his honour.

15 votes
1 answer

Very short story on Mars. Possibly one of Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles, but maybe not

The answer to a recent question of mine was one of the Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. This reminded me of my very first touch with SF. It had to be in 1962 at the very latest because I remember ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Ray Bradbury story from the 1950s, effect of nuclear war on Americans in Mexico

This story is neither Bradbury's "The Highway" (though I think it likely that was an earlier, and much weaker, attempt to deal with this story's theme); nor is it Thomas Disch's "...
user985675's user avatar
27 votes
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A short tale about a dim-witted man with outstanding presence, being taught how to deliver a speech by reading from elaborate scripts

I read this about 40 years ago (another one, yes), but I believe the book was a few decades older than that. Probably Asimov's or Ray Bradbury's. It's a short tale; some influential people need to ...
Arc's user avatar
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Carnival/Muses short story?

Anyone know of a short story that takes place in a carnival with the Muses as central characters? They each use their particular talents to compete for the attention of a handsome new member of the ...
Womanwilde's user avatar
24 votes
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Has Ray Bradbury ever suggested what he was inspired by in writing Fahrenheit 451?

Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 which was published in 1953. It's set in a society where books are banned and firemen burn any that are found. It's set in a future US society and is a dystopian ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
11 votes
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Was Arthur C Clarke deliberately quoting Ray Bradbury in the Novel of 2001: A Space Odyssey

In the novel of 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C Clarke, published in 1968, in Chapter 25, Bowman asks Poole to wave at him to signal he is alive after his collision with the pod during his spacewalk....
skyjack's user avatar
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30 votes
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Sci-fi short story about a man being pulled up by the cops for walking around

So it's a short story set in (I think) the relatively-near-future about a man walking around at night, and he's pulled up by the cops. Then he's arrested, and I think the idea was that he's arrested ...
Quesnel's user avatar
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Extreme social isolation; world recovers

Story in which everyone lives entirely within their own homes with wall-sized TV screens to let them interact with friends and family, but no one ever left the homes due to fears of pollution etc. ...
Jeanne's user avatar
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Short story where a killer house lowers the temperature to match that of a movie scene the owner is watching

I need the title of the short story that I describe next. I was fairly confident it was in Ray Bradbury's Illustrated Man, but when I went to Wikipedia to review the short-stories there contained, I ...
tfrascaroli's user avatar
4 votes
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Short Story Set In Future Where Jingles Become Pop Music?

I think it might be by Ray Bradbury. Music has been reduced to clips from jingles/commercials. There's a machine that writes the songs, but protagonist goes to work in small club/bar & becomes ...
DailyFlickNY's user avatar
14 votes
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Short story, possibly a Bradbury one: adventurers find a weapon cache of dead Martian civilization, and unleash a blob

This is a short story, I think by Ray Bradbury or Sheckley. Two (?) adventurers/archaelogists are inside of the weapon cache left by Martian civilization which was destroyed by war. Eventually they ...
c69's user avatar
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Short story, possibly a Bradbury one: aliens visit Earth to see if we will destroy ourselves after we discover atomic energy

I am convinced this is by Ray Bradbury, but can't find it. I remember a short story where a family of aliens are coming to watch the Earth and see if we destroy ourselves after we discovery atomic ...
user2609404's user avatar
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Was the "Something Wicked This Way Comes" tag line to the Prisoner Of Azkaban movie poster taken from the 1962 Ray Bradbury novel of the same name?

I remember seeing this Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban poster when I was younger and thinking that the "Something Wicked This Way Comes" tag line was very catchy and incredibly clever. I was ...
azoundria's user avatar
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Short story: Man on bus disrupting other passengers' communications

Short story: A man on a bus is observing passengers all talking on watch/phones, then electronically disrupts their communications. Possibly a Ray Bradbury story.
EPKELLER's user avatar
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9 votes
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Story About Deadly Ancient City on Mars

When I was younger, I read a story in a old book, that I think was about tourists who travelled to an ancient city on Mars. I think one of them may have been an astronaut, but I'm positive that not ...
Hyperdrive Enthusiast's user avatar

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