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Questions tagged [physics]

For questions about the physics of a fictional universe. Questions purely concerning real-world physics are off-topic. Always use in conjunction with the specific work tag in question.

197 votes
8 answers

Was the Millennium Falcon too slow?

I've always been puzzled by the speeds of space craft in Star Wars. The Millennium Falcon was said to travel at "point 5 beyond the speed of light" - which I guess is 1.5c: HAN: She'll make point ...
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
70 votes
3 answers

How does Captain America's shield work?

Captain America is able to throw his circular shield and have it return it to him like a boomerang. Is this even possible according to physics (especially considering the ranges at which he uses the ...
Royal Flush's user avatar
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58 votes
14 answers

Why and how can you hear explosions in space in Star Wars?

Considering that sound can't travel through vacuum.
aviraldg's user avatar
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55 votes
7 answers

How did the cookfire get hot enough to melt gold in Game of Thrones? [closed]

In the television series Game of Thrones, Khal Drogo melts gold in a cookpot over a seemingly ordinary fire, and then pours the molten metal on Viserys' head. How could the cookfire get hot enough to ...
Geoff's user avatar
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55 votes
9 answers

Is there a canon explanation for how Proton Torpedoes were able to turn 90 degrees at the end of Star Wars: ANH

Based on this question: Why did Luke need a targeting computer in the first place? Proton Torpedoes launched from Luke's X-Wing were able to change direction 'on a dime' 90 degrees to get into Death ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
50 votes
4 answers

In Stargate why can you go only in one direction through the gate but radio signals can go both ways?

So why can people and other objects just go in the one direction while radio signals can go both ways? Is that ever explained or is it just fact?
suicide's user avatar
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47 votes
4 answers

Is Sheldon right that Superman would have killed Lois when he caught her? [closed]

Quoted from The Big Bang Theory: Penny: Yeah, I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her, which one was that? Leonard, Sheldon ...
Anz Joy's user avatar
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39 votes
5 answers

From the bridge why can you see another ship in space, shouldn't there be no light?

Sorry if this has been asked before but I searched and was unable to locate an answer. Something that has always bothered me is in Star Trek whenever the Enterprise comes upon another ship in deep ...
ed.hank's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

How does mass conservation work in the MCU Ant-Man movie?

In Ant-Man, it's (briefly) explained that the Pym particle reduces the distance between molecules, allowing a person to shrink while retaining his mass and strength. Much of the movie is consistent ...
Robert's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

In Star Wars, is there a pretend-science explanation of how lightsabers work (like midi-chlorians for The Force)?

In Star Wars, Luke wielded both a lightsaber and the Force, neither of which was explained in much detail. In The Phantom Menace, it was explained that intelligent microscopic life-forms called midi-...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

What are the limits of Magneto's magnetic field?

Is there any source about the strongest magnetic field Magneto can generate? Currently the strongest magnetic fields in continuous use (a few Tesla, maybe up to around 10 Tesla) are strong enough to ...
vsz's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

How was Jim able to space walk when the ship was traveling at .5 c?

Until now any space movies that I've seen where they have shown space walk, they show that either the ship isn't moving or the character is on the spaceship because of the magnetic boots. However in ...
Girish Kulkarni's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

How to get sunburned through the window of a General Products hull?

In the short story Neutron Star by Larry Niven, the main character Beowulf Shaeffer's face is sunburned somehow when his ship - built from a General Products starship hull - passes very fast and very ...
uhoh's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

When a ship drops out of warp does it retain the speed it was at when it entered warp?

Within the Trek Universe, if a Starship was to enter warp while at full impulse, would it still be at full impulse when it dropped out of warp? In the same vein; Is it even possible to enter warp ...
Memnoch's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

Is there a canon explanation for why Star Trek ships bank when turning?

This is quite obvious if, like me, you've played the Star Trek MMO where the game designers were inspired by the motion of the ships in the movies. I think it's most noticeable when the Bird of Prey ...
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