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Questions tagged [parallel-universe]

For questions about a parallel universe or alternative reality, a hypothetical self-contained separate reality coexisting with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes is called a "multiverse", although this term can also be used to describe the possible parallel universes that constitute reality.

7 votes
1 answer

Book title request. (Magical worlds, unicorns, and androids) [Strong content] [duplicate]

This book is one I have yet to be able to splice together enough to locate, I was 10-12 (Currently 48) The issue is that I read so many books of similar genres, that the stories jumble in recollection,...
Sabre's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

First occurrence of a character being philosophically overwhelmed by the multiverse

Quite often a character in stories (comics, movies, books, etc) that discuss parallel worlds and the multiverse is overwhelmed mentally and philosophically. The concept that pops their mental fuse is ...
Blaze's user avatar
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Manga about a female lead who is reincarnated into her own book

It’s about a girl who got sucked or reincarnated into the book she wrote. The world is dying and she’s there to help it. She has a spirt guide to help her. The male lead, who I think was the villain ...
cherry321's user avatar
5 votes
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Sci-fi novella about a group of people and a giant pendulum that swung, slowly coming to a halt

I am trying to figure out a sci-fi novella I read maybe 30 years ago. It was about a group of people and a giant pendulum that swung from side to side, but slowly coming to a halt. For every swing, it ...
OSL's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Book where people are continually slipping between "close" parallel alternate worlds/paratime without realizing it?

Only clear recollection from the book is an example along the lines of: Experience: I know I put my keys on the table next to the door, but when I went back they weren't there. Looked all around the ...
revans19's user avatar
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Horror/Fantasy novel set in the UK town of Grimsby

I am looking for a novel, which I believe ultimately ended in a trilogy that is set within the town of Grimsby in the UK. I believe that the story was written in the last 7 years and was a horror/...
A.Steer's user avatar
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Short story involving parallel universes and a war between humanity and some dark version of humanity

In this story, as humans travel through closely linked universes, they eventually become distorted and changed. The twist at the end, I believe, was that humans were fighting vastly distorted versions ...
JAS's user avatar
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2 votes
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Manga about a boy with the power to grow plants

The story is about a boy with magical powers related to growing and reviving plants. One day, another boy appears in his home. The stranger is from another world, where there are no plants because ...
Sunset's user avatar
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Cartoon about 3, maybe 4 kids that use a portal to travel to another world and fight evil with these weird animals

I remember watching a show during my childhood, maybe when I was 12-13. There were 3-4 kids who were the main characters. I think the main boys name was hiro/hero. He found a portal or some sort of ...
Katsudon's user avatar
5 votes
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Trying to find fantasy book about teen girl who is taking care of a little boy from an alternate/overlapping world. May have been a YA novel

I am trying to find the name of a fantasy novel I read as a teenager. It was about a little boy, around 4 or 5, from another dimension who is hidden in the main character's dimension to protect him. ...
Andi Denise's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

Book involving a metaverse of many parallel worlds, a section of which is known as "The Blight"

I am trying to find a book I read maybe 40 years ago, but which has stuck with me. There were many "parallel" worlds, each only slightly different (as usual). Most of the worldlines adjacent ...
plasmo's user avatar
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Pre-1980 story about man who can access alternate universes. References to a girl with a scar on her face, and Mithras [duplicate]

Some years ago, I read on rec.arts.sf.written about a story (I think by Lafferty or Davidson) about a man who could access alternate universes - he can, for example, pick up a quarter from the return ...
Andrew's user avatar
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3 votes
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Series about four high school students getting trapped in another dimension

I'm searching for a series that I want to watch again, but can't find. It's about four high school students who get sucked into a tornado (that someone in their group accidentally summoned with magic),...
Jara's user avatar
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Fantasy book where two boys swap places from different worlds

I am looking for a book I read when I was younger. It involves 2 boys from different world swapping places and pretending to be each other. They are identical except that one is white and the other is ...
Andrew Marais's user avatar
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Novel about an alternate dimension where human perception is warped

I'm looking for a novel series, probably for teens, published in 80's-90's, which has a spaceship traveling to an alternate dimension. One distinguishing feature is that human senses stop behaving ...
tkokasih's user avatar
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