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Questions tagged [off-to-be-the-wizard]

Off to Be the Wizard is a novel written by Scott Meyer. The protagonist discovers that he's inside a computer program and sets about using "magic" (hacks) to change the world.

3 votes
1 answer

Why do wizards in OTBTW restrict their magic to their staffs?

In Off to be the Wizard the shell program that does all the magic for the wizards is programmed so that it only listens to the spells if the wizard is holding his staff (or wand). But why would they ...
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6 votes
3 answers

Why do wizards like Martin keep transporting back to the exact moment in the future from whence they came in Off to be the Wizard?

In Off to be the Wizard the characters like Martin keep returning to the same point in time from where they traveled back to Medieval England when they need something from the future. In Martin's ...
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