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Questions tagged [kryptonite]

For questions about the kryptonite substance that is known to harm Superman from the DC comics franchise. Always use with the [dc] tag and any other more specific tags where necessary such as [comics]. Use with [superman] only when asking specifically about the character and not merely mentioning him.

3 votes
1 answer

Physics of Kryptonite -- atomic number, half life, etc.?

How deeply have the comic books gone into what sort of radiation Kryptonite emits, whether it decays, and its useful properties besides injuring Superman. I saw that its atomic number is 126, so it is ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Why doesn't Darkseid always use kryptonite on Superman? [closed]

Darkseid and Superman have fought on several occasions and Superman, I think, always turns out to be a major pain for Darkseid. Darkseid is not stupid and surely must have known about the kryptonite ...
honeste_vivere's user avatar
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How did Kryptonite get to Earth so fast?

In this question it is suggested that the planet Krypton is somewhere between 27 and 2000 light years from Earth. And in this question it is suggested that it took Superman between 2 and 20,000 years ...
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18 votes
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Superman poisons his son with kryptonite to make him "normal" after son was enhanced by mad scientists

About 55 years ago, I recall a comic book in which Superman's son is genetically enhanced by a mad scientist or something and becomes super-intelligent and a villain. The story ends with Superman ...
releseabe's user avatar
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In Smallville, why does Kryptonite weaken people who got Superman's power but aren't Kryptonian?

Kryptonite as seen in movies and comics only affects Kryptonian people at a biological level. However, in the TV series Smallville, people who stole the powers from him or got the powers from a ...
GipsyDanger's user avatar
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Superman and the range of red kryptonite

Is it documented on the range of kryptonite? In particular, how close does red kryptonite have to be before it has an affect on Superman?
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Will Superman have his powers while holding kryptonite and being near the sun?

Assuming Superman is near the Sun, which gives him his immense power, what would happen if he was holding a small rock of Kryptonite in his hand? Would the effects of Kryptonite cancel out due to ...
Niket Pathak's user avatar
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Have the physical properties of Kryptonite been discussed? [duplicate]

I am wondering if, for example, kryptonite is supposed to be to like radium or some other radioactive metal is to humans to Superman? Is it radioactive in a conventional sense? Does it decay, have a ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Does a specific piece of red kryptonite always have the same effect on Superman?

Is it known whether the effects of a given chunk of red kryptonite are reproducible? That is, if the chunk made Superman tiny in one exposure, would this chunk always have the same effect or does it ...
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0 votes
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What exactly is kryptonite? [duplicate]

I was watching a Mythbusters episode (the Superhero Special) and one of them mentioned kryptonite as a metal. And I was wondering what exactly it was—a metal, a gas, as is shown in Batman vs. ...
CHEESE's user avatar
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Superman "Kryptonian" traits vs powers

I was wondering. Most of Superman's powers are a result of his exposure to a yellow sun and get negated when he is exposed to Kryptonite. Are there any Kryptonian traits that are superhuman in any ...
Jorge Córdoba's user avatar
-1 votes
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How would kryptonite affect a Kryptonian on Krypton? [duplicate]

How would kryptonite affect a Kryptonian on Krypton? I understand it affects Superman on earth as he is a more powerful being in a yellow sun planet and it makes him weaker to a point that all his ...
Aasim Azam's user avatar
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Can the Green Lantern make kryptonite? [duplicate]

Kryptonite is green.... Can the Green Lantern defend himself against Kryptonians? Or can the ring not make something that acts sufficiently like kryptonite?
ThePopMachine's user avatar
86 votes
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Why, exactly, does kryptonite hurt Superman?

To my understanding, kryptonite is a rock that is from the planet Krypton. Superman is also from planet Krypton. Yet somehow kryptonite weakens Superman and can even kill him. How does this work? Why ...
LCIII's user avatar
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What would happen to Superman after a Kryptonite injection?

If some villian melted kryptonite into a liquid form, and the liquid was then injected into Superman's blood stream, would it permanently limit his powers? Would it eventually kill Superman?
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