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Questions tagged [john-carter]

For questions about the character "John Carter" or the film of the same name. Sometimes known as John Carter of Mars, John Carter is the main character in a number of works. He was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

4 votes
1 answer

Rifle usage in Edgar Rice Burroughs Barsoom

In one of the John Carter Barsoom books there is mention made of long range rifles used by one of the Green Martian clans Update: Thanks to comments from Klaus AE Morgensen I've now got the actual ...
Danny Mc G's user avatar
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Is there a "John Carter" (2012) script with the actors' lines in Barsoomian?

It would be a great novelty to have Paul Frommer's Barsoomian dialogue in and of itself, but I'm doing some conlang research and a transliteration would be handy, especially where some lines are ...
user129829's user avatar
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In the movie John Carter, what did the men discover in the mine?

Towards the end of the movie when John Carter is sent back to Earth, he goes explaining how he searched for the medallion. Then we see him at some type of mine and the men discover something. Carter ...
Nyla's user avatar
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Why is Sola punished for giving Carter the water and the Voice of Barsoom?

Early on in the preparation of the new Thark hatchlings, Sola, Carter's mother, gives Carter water that gives him the "Voice of Barsoom" (and something with colors). Later she is marked publicly for ...
Mussri's user avatar
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What is John Carter's 'Martian name'?

What is the Martian name of John Carter? The name appears in the movie where Carter is given a Martian name. I think it was something like "Datar Soyat"(?).
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
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Who is Ben in the John Carter universe?

I have found references to a character named Ben (old Ben or Uncle Ben) in a John Carter book. However, all I can find about him is he was likely a slave (or, "bondservant"). Is there any more ...
Joshua's user avatar
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In John Carter how did Tars Tarkas know that Sola was his daughter?

In the Green Martian clan otherwise known as the Tharks they reproduce in a form where the offspring are separate from their parents. Once hatched and ready the hatchlings are brought back to the clan ...
JMFB's user avatar
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John Carter Film - Thern Medallion Teleportation

In the film John Carter, Dejah Thoris is explaining Thern Teleportation to John Carter. I can't remember exactly what she said, but is it in any way similar to what Quantum Teleportation or Biodigital ...
Bubba's user avatar
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4 answers

What are the Therns motivations?

In the movie, there's some dialogue between John Carter and Matai Shang, where the latter elaborates a little on the reasons they do what they do. I didn't get it, though. When asked by John Carter ...
liewl's user avatar
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3 answers

Where did John Carter (2012) find drinking water on Mars?

In the movie John Carter did he ever drink water? Humans needed it to survive and I thought there was no water on Mars.
user1009812's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the map of Barsoom that Carl Sagan had outside his office?

Read the wiki article on Barsoom that references the fact that Carl Sagan had a map of barsoom. I can't find a very good one on the Internet and even if I did, it would be extremely cool to have ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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How can the Therns change their physical bodies?

I have read that the Therns are like any normal Martian, but how can they change their physical bodies? Is it like a disguise?
Matthew Sarmiento's user avatar
6 votes
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How did John Carter send the letters to his nephew?

Supposedly, John Carter wrote all the happenings on Mars and about the talisman and his body in the tomb so that his nephew can send him back to Mars. But how did John Carter have the time to write ...
Rye Bread Box's user avatar
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How did John Carter get sent back to Earth?

For people to travel to Barsoom (Mars) or to Earth (Jasoom) or any other planet with that specific device they must say the chant (ohm octei etc. and planet name) themselves, while holding the device, ...
Shwetabh Shekhar's user avatar
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Are humans on Barsoom/Mars the same species as Earth's humans?

As it was noted here, some of Barsoom's population really look like Earth's humans. Is there a link between Earth's human population and Mars? Are humans originally from Mars and then populated Earth,...
DavRob60's user avatar
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